笔记:Gmail的特性要求收信箱的样式,这个样式在可展开通知中在Android 4.1后可用。 接下来的内容描述了如何更新通知和如何删除它们。 更新通知(Updating notifications) 可以设置一条通知,当然可以更新一条通知,我们通过在调用 NotificationManager.notify(ID, notification)时所使用的ID来更新它。为了更新你之前发布的通知,...
可以通过setCustomContentView()方法来设置自定义布局。 设置通知行为:可以为通知设置点击事件、删除事件等行为。可以通过setContentIntent()方法设置通知的点击事件,通过setDeleteIntent()方法设置通知的删除事件。 发送通知:使用NotificationManager类来发送通知。可以通过调用NotificationManager的notify()方法来发送通知,指定通...
1、调用getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)方法获取系统的NotificationManager服务,它是一个重要的系统服务。 应用程序能够通过NotificationManager向系统发送全局通知; 2、构造Notification.Builder对象; 3、设置Notification.Builder对象的各种属性。 4、通过NotificationManager的notify()方法发送Notification。 (四)、演示样例...
For this reason, you should always ensure that UI controls in a notification are also available in an Activity in your app, and you should always start that Activity when users click the notification. To do this, use the setContentIntent() method. 上述内容其实已经很容易理解了,我更直白的说...
Microsoft provides a custom URI scheme for WSA, making it easier to launch apps: wsa://[App Package Name] For example, to launch Apple Music in WSA, use: wsa://com.apple.android.music Support tables Apps Games Apps ApplicationLatest tested versionAndroid versionsSupport levelKnown IssuesNotes...
Trinea / android-open-project Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 11.9k Star 31.7k A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: p.codekk.com/ License...
给通知应用一个大视图样式(Applying a big view style to a notification) 当通知被展开的时候,会有一个大的视图出现,首先创建一个NotificationCompat.Builder对象来添加一些你想要的可选的样式。然后调用Builder.setStyle(),把big view style对象作为参数传入。
1 Why Are You Getting "Account Action Required" Notification? If you see a Google account notification, "Account action required" notification, it may be due to the following reasons:The original Google account you used to set up your Android device is no longer working. One of your Gmail ...
Each user has a personal space on the device for custom Home screens, accounts, apps, and settings. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow users to add other users to the device. User can configure credentials ...
For example, this will be the Gmail address if it is a Google account. It should be set at the time the raw contact is inserted and never changed afterwards. String #ACCOUNT_TYPE read/write-once The type of account to which this row belongs, which when...