MainActivity.class);// 创建Intent,用于清除数据Intentintent=newIntent();intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA);// 设置数据清除的组件intent.setComponent(componentName);// 发送广播,清除数据sendBroadcast
mClearDataObserver =newClearUserDataObserver(); } ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); booleanres = am.clearApplicationUserData(packageName, mClearDataObserver); if(!res) { // Clearing data failed for some obscure reason. Just log error for now Log....
我的应用程序并不适用于root设备。 注意:我看到没有使用“clear data”选项删除/ data / data /’我的app包’/ lib目录。 但我无法以编程方式写入这个指令。 我被许可拒绝了。 有没有办法使用此目录存储我的数据? 有没有办法使用NDK(尚未使用它)来保证数据安全? 有没有办法将数据保存在应用程序资源中或类似...
从上面的图片可以看到操作:Tools->Android->ADB idea->ADB Clear App Data And Restart 然后你的app就会清楚数据重新启动了,比手动操作可快多了。 当然还有更快的方法: 1:使用快捷键: Ctrl+Shift+A (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Linux和 Windows)呼出弹出窗口 2:输入cr(Clear Restart) adb dialog 然后点击或者使用快捷...
(msg.what) { case Constant.Hanler.MSG_GET_DATASIZE: String size=Formatter.formatFileSize(AppDetialActivity.this, catcheSize); tv_catcheSize.setText(size); break; case Constant.Hanler.MSG_CLEAR_DATA_SUCCESS: String pkgname=(String) msg.obj; getSize(pkgname); break; default: break; } }; ...
installd:“我给你点赞,对就是我创建app data根目录。PMS不自己创建的原因是它没有这个能力。因为PMS运行于systemserver进程,而systemserver进程的user是system(appid是1000),user为system是没有为其他apk创建app data根目录的权限的。而我具有这种‘超能力’ 。这也就是我存在的意义,当然我还有别的功能,比如在安装...
private fun clearCache(): Boolean { doAsync { val glideCacheDir = Glide.getPhotoCacheDir(this@MainActivity) as File var totalSize: Long = getFolderSize(glideCacheDir) totalSize += getFolderSize(App.instance.cacheDir) uiThread { if (totalSize == 0L) { ...
// Backup>adbbackup-fauto-backup.ab-apkcom.ellison.backupdemo// Clear data>adbshellpmclearcom.ellison.backupdemo// Restore>adbrestoreauto-backup.ab ⅱ. 简单的备份规则 通过fullBackupContent属性可以指向包含备份规则的 XML 文件。我们可以在规则里决定了备份哪些文件,无视哪些文件。
Find the app for which you want to clear the cache and tap on it. Within the app settings, look for theStorageorStorage & cacheoption. Tap onClear cacheto delete the app's cache data. You will also see theClear storageorDelete appdataoptions here. Keep in mind that clearing the app ...
Not just that there is another benefit, for which you should clear cache and App data. If some app is causing problem / Error like “App Stopped Forcefully” or “App stopped Working” then you should Force stop that app and clear its data and cache from the settings. ...