Help Wanted - Using Addressables along with Google Play Asset Delivery. - Unity Forum New Google Play Asset Delivery - possible with UCB? - Unity Forum Platforms 让我确定Unity没有搞定的原因是,我查到了Unity的线路图,Support for Google Play Asset Delivery还是开发中,这就有趣了。 说了这么多,也...
Again it is not enabled by default in Unity. So you have to make certain changes to make it happen. It can not be enabled using the ‘Internal (default)’ build option provided by Unity. You will have to use the new ‘Gradle Build’ option. This build works using gradle build file w...
(2)使用Custom Gradle配置文件并启用MultiDex支持(在PlayerSettings>Publish Settings>Build 设置中勾选Custom Gradle Template,然后修改项目目录Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle启用MultiDex支持) (3)修改Unity Editor 默认的Gradle配置文件并启用MultiDex支持(Unity安装目录/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Tools/Gradle...
注意:如果工程格式不对,要打开app目录下的build.gradle文件,将apply plugin: ‘’,改成apply plugin: ‘’,因为android studio只有在这种格式下才可以导出unity需要使用的aar或者jar文件。然后删除defaultConfig下的applicationId,去掉默认的dependencies下的 compile '
publicvoidisSupportIapSuccess() {Debug.Log("isSupportIapSuccess"); } publicvoidisSupportIapFailed(string error) {Debug.Log("isSupportIapFailed msg:"+ error);} 依次写好各个接口调用方法,将unity项目导出为android工程: 打开File->Build settings… ...
Error building player for Android in Unity? EDIT : You are missing res folder in plugins. Check this answer : And this forum post : 如果项目不能升级引擎,也有一个解决办法: 重新写一个android的启动类, 将这个问题绕过去 packagecom.xx.xxximportandroid.content.Context;importandroid.os.Build;importcom.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer;public...
Build a Unity UI Toolkit interface for purchasing to replace the demo IMGUI display. Create a custom Unity Logger to handle PlayFab errors and display them to the user. Add icon images to your PlayFab Items Images field to display in the Unity UI....
Plugin doesn't work in a Windows/Mac/Linux build Only Android & iOS platforms are supported. Editor functionality is for preview purposes only and uses Unity's Editor-only API. Can't access the Gallery, it says "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.yasirkula.unity.NativeGallery" in Logca...
Unity3d Android安卓JDK9打包失败 目前(2018年2月26日)Unity打包Android不支持JDK9 安装JDK8! 安装JDK8! 安装JDK8! 关注“洪流学堂”微信公众号,让你快人几步成为Unity大牛...