在这个文件夹下的程序为系统默认的组件,自己安装的软件将不会出现在这里,而是\data\文件夹中。下面是详细的介绍: \system\app\AlarmClock.apk 闹钟 \system\app\AlarmClock.odex \system\app\Browser.apk 浏览器 \system\app\Browser.odex \system\app\Bugreport.apk Bug报告 \system\app\Bugreport.odex \system\...
The name of the extra data when starting the Browser from another application. ExtraCreateNewTab Boolean extra passed along with an Intent to a browser, specifying that a new tab be created. ExtraHeaders The name of the extra data in the VIEW intent. InitialZoomLevel The name of extra da...
Java documentation for android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, java.lang.String). Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 At...
it has more than 100 million downloads in Google Play. The key fast browsing experience with UC Browser is the data compression of the sites we opened. Its interface is not the most beautiful in the world but does its job without any problems. A few ...
{"package":"com.android.browser","activity":"com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile","pid": 28478 } uninstall: Uninstall app $ uiautomator2 uninstall<package-name>#卸载一个包$ uiautomator2 uninstall<package-name-1><package-name-2>#卸载多个包$ uiautomator2 uninstall --all#全部卸载 ...
\system\app\Browser.apk 浏览器 \system\app\Browser.odex \system\app\Bugreport.apk Bug报告 \system\app\Bugreport.odex \system\app\Calculator.apk 计算器 \system\app\Calculator.odex \system\app\Calendar.apk 日历 \system\app\Calendar.odex
\\system\\app\\Browser.apk 浏览器 \\system\\app\\Bugreport.apk Bug报告 \\system\\app\\Calculator.apk 计算器 \\system\\app\\Calendar.apk 日历 \\system\\app\\CalendarProvider.apk 日历提供 \\system\\app\\Camera.apk 照相机 \\system\\app\\com.amazon.mp3.apk 亚马逊音乐 ...
Im Menü deiner Lesezeichenliste kannst du außerdem eine leere Startseite zu setzen. BITTE LIES AUCH DEN HILFE DIALOG FÜR WEITERE HINWEISE. FOSS Browser "FOSS Browser" is fully free/libre (as in freedom) Android app. The source code is public. The app also does not need any ...
最佳免费安卓应用软件 (Best Free Android Apps) 简介 安卓应用程序 (Android app) 是用于安卓操作系统上的移动软件,而安卓系统是安装在手机、平板电脑和其它移动设备上最为流行的平台之一。 自从安卓进入市场后,超过40万安卓应用程序已开发并可在谷歌电子商店 (Google Play Store)下载,只是这些应用程序不全都是...
a) Aktualisieren Sie „auth_config_single_account.json“ mit: "authorization_user_agent": "Browser". b) Aktualisieren Sie „AndroidManifest.xml“. Fügen Sie in der App unter app>src>main>AndroidManifest.xml die Aktivität BrowserTabActivity als untergeordnetes Element des <application>-...