Easy Setup:No programming needed; simply pair this remote with your Android TV box for instant use. Wireless Convenience:IR wireless communication ensures a clutter-free setup, making it a hassle-free replacement remote. Apple Tv Remote Control App|Best Element Tv Remote App|Universal Compatibility...
Open Apps installed on TV from this Android TV Remote App. 使用iPhone 轻松控制您的 Android TV 无论您是否找不到遥控器,或者只是希望通过移动设备来获得更方便的体验,Android TV 遥控器应用将为您简化操作。 主要功能: 无缝连接: 通过 Wi-Fi 快速轻松地将 iPhone 或 iPad 连接到您的 Android TV。 完整的...
例如,使用Apple TV Remote App这类第三方应用程序,用户可以通过Android手机来控制Apple TV的基本功能,如播放、暂停、调节音量等。这些应用虽然能提供一定的控制能力,但仍然无法完全取代Apple自身的遥控器或其他iOS设备的控制体验。 解决方案:通过AirPlay技术实现兼容 对于想要将Android设备与Apple TV连接的用户来说,AirPla...
Remote for Android Smart TV allows you to connect almost TVs running on Android and control them, you don't need a physic remote anymore. You just connect your iPhone/iPad the same network with your TVs and you are ready to use the app. ...
Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tv.remote https://android-tv-remote-control.en.softonic.com/android iOS : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/android-tv/id1078761166 Discord的链接 Android TV x86论坛:https://discord.gg/yUwdq8x https://discord.gg/c4K...
Unified Remote for Windows, macOS, and Linux (with keyboard) Apple TV Samsung TV Jellyfin Support for multiple buttons, touchpads, and sliders using default or user defined custom actions. Complete Home Assistant actions support. Keyboard and search dialog actions for most platforms. Template support...
现有的Android TV Remote Control App 可以说是相当过时的产物,不仅没有内建于手机中,就连商店的屏幕截图,看起来都还是好几个世代之前的设计风格,也没有Google Assistant 按钮方便叫出语音助理。 透过手机操作智能电视有几项好处,比方说,输入文字的时候可以变得更快,亦可直接调用语音搜寻,切换讯号源、投放内容...
7 如何将AirPods连接到Apple TV您可能不知道,但也可以将AirPods(以及任何其他蓝牙耳机)与Apple TV配对。这样可以轻松收听电影,电视节目和其他媒体,而不会打扰周围的人。使用Siri Remote,前往设置>远程和设备。然后单击蓝牙。按“设置”按钮开始AirPods上的配对过程,直到状态指示灯呈白色闪烁。您的AirPods应出现在“...
Video Player,Remote 8k A55 Remote Android 11.0 8k Remote Support 3d Wifi S905x4 Quad Support /av/optical Out Arm A55 Core Arm A95x F4 Samrt 8k 4k 3d Core 4k Core 8k Core With Remote Tv Box Voice Remote Control For MECOOL KM2 KM2plus For STRONG Leap-S1 Smart Box Android TV Streaming...
androidlaunchertvtelevisionfiretvshieldcomposeandroidtvleanback UpdatedFeb 22, 2025 Kotlin Nerwyn/android-tv-card Star299 A completely customizable universal remote card for Home Assistant. Supports multiple platforms out of the box. adbkodiremoteapple-tvhassrokuhome-assistantwebossamsung-tvandroid-tvfire...