Jiffy – Time tracker用来记录/管理你的时间,支持手机/平板 Android 4.0+,能通过图标的方式直观了解你的时间使用。而只有在记录并了解了时间,才能真正的管理你的时间。@Appinn 同样来自wjwen同学的推荐,相比于之前介绍的Mr Time – 记录规划你的时间开销,Jiffy的界面更加 Android,完全遵循 Android 官方用户界面的指引。
Swipetimes time tracker是一款 Android 平台的时间记录工具,要管理时间,首先要记录时间。@Appinn 感谢@龙爪槐守望者推荐: Android 平台上比jiffy更好用更漂亮功能更强的时间记录App! 能分项目、分任务记录时间,并且能用时间线及时间表格来显示记录的时间情况。 免费版Swipetimes time tracker可以记录两个项目及两个任务。
1.回到TimeTrackerActivity的onCreate方法,并加上以下代码: `ButtonstartButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.start`_`stop);``startButton.setOnClickListener(this);``ButtonstopButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.reset);``stopButton.setOnClickListener(this);` 这会让TimeTrackerActivity类能够监听按钮事件。
GPS tracking:QuickBooks Time mobile app allows users to share their location data while they are on the clock. Cell service required for GPS points accuracy. QuickBooks Time does not save GPS points for users when they are off the clock. Account admins may require users to set their location...
33. Time Sheet - Time Tracker 是否接到了按小时收费的工作?那么这个应用程序将帮助你跟踪记录收费时间。 链接: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rauscha.apps.timesheet&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5yYXVzY2hhLmFwcHMudGltZXNoZWV0Il0. ...
TMetric automatic time tracking app captures every minute of your precious time, and helps optimize time utilization. Automatically track your billable hours, set rates, and budgets, and see all money earnings in a clear interface. Software available for
HoursTracker can alert you when you're done for the day. Set an expected number of hours per day, and you'll get a notification when you reach those hours for that job, taking multiple time entries and the job's time rounding options into account. A notification fifteen minutes prior hel...
Chrometa turns your phone calls into billable time entries automatically. Here's how it works...1. Chrometa's Android App captures your phone call history - including the date of the call, the time spent, and who you spoke with.2. When you press "Sync Phone Calls" these will be created...
Speed up your app,也加入了自己的一些内容。 会介绍以下几个主题 Systrace Traceview Memory Profiling Allocation Tracker GPU Profiling Hierarchy Viewer Overdraw Alpha Hardware Acceleration Systrace Systrace的功能可以在AS的DDMS中找到,但不太稳定,所以这里只介绍命令行模式。
We are continuously working to improve this sample and add new features. If you have suggestions for improvement or if you encounter a problem, please provide feedback to us via the issue tracker. When creating an issue, try to include the following: ...