Install Google Docs from the Google Play Store, and pin the app to the shelf. 2. Launch the app from the shelf, and click Skip to skip the tutorial. 3. Close the app, and reopen it by clicking on the Sheets icon on the shelf. Use your favorite Android apps on Chromebook and s...
新华网北京6月26日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,随着全新移动操作系统Android L的发布,部分Android App将能够在网络笔记本Chromebook上使用。 谷歌并非将Android App们原封不动毫无修改地复制到Chromebook上,所以要在Chromebook立马使用所有Android App还不太现实,但这至少是个不错的开始。 译者:张免 百度新闻与新华网国...
Using Android apps on ChromeOS Once you launch an Android app on your Chromebook, you might notice that it is sized for a phone and a mobile-sized layout. Some Android apps will allow you to resize the app to fit your Chromebook's screen, but that's not always the case. Here's how...
On your Chromebook (won’t work if you’re not using Chrome OS): Open the Chrome Web Store. Browse the Android Apps & Games Collection. Note: If you’re not on a Chromebook, you won’t be able to see this collection. Find an app you want to use, like Evernote, Duolingo, or Clo...
GPS-based apps, such as Google Maps, won't be nearly as accurate on a Chromebook without GPS. But thanks to Wi-Fi access point (AP) location services, they can still be useful navigating in cities and suburbs. The vast majority of other applications work flawlessly. With well over a mi...
尽管Google Play Service的最新版本中暗示了这一新功能的存在,即“Stream apps to your Chromebook”,但目前这项功能并未公开启用,因此还无法进行实际测试。Google可能采取了一种基于WebRTC技术的策略,该技术原本用于视频通话,旨在实现在设备间的双向视频同步和数据传输。值得注意的是,这项新功能似乎与...
Using Android apps can unlock a whole new level of creativity and productivity on a Chromebook. We've collected our favorites.
Google 正尝试增强 Chrome OS 和 Android 平台之间的互动,正在测试的一项功能允许用户在 Chromebook 上镜像 Android 手机的应用程序。该功能现在被称之为“Android Push”,使用和当前视频聊天所用的 WebRTC 技术,在 Chromebook 上启动 Android 端的 APP。
现在,谷歌表示用户们的这一期需已经实现,最新版本的Chrome OS已经可以支持Android App。 谷歌最新发布的稳定版本Chrome OS向用户提供了访问整个Google Play的功能。唯一遗憾的是,目前这项功能的正式版本目前仅支持华硕的Chromebook Flip和宏碁Chromebook R11两款设备。
Android手机将可投屏App到Chromebook 在微软和三星的紧密合作下,Galaxy 系列手机已实现了和 Windows 10 电脑的无缝连接。在特定机型上,用户甚至可以在台式机/笔记本上像原生应用一样直接运行 Android 应用。虽然 Android 和 Chrome OS 均出自Google之手,但是两个平台之间的互动比较生涩。不过这种情况可能很快发生改变,...