首先,你需要在 Android Studio 中创建一个新的项目。选择“Empty Activity”模板,并命名你的项目,例如AudioPlayerApp。 步骤2: 添加 MP3 文件 在项目的res/raw文件夹中创建一个新文件夹(如果没有的话),并将你的 MP3 文件命名为sample.mp3放入该文件夹。在 Android Studio 中,右键单击res文件夹,选择New -> An...
Frolomuse: MP3 Music Player 相关文章 LMusic:最别出心裁 如果要个这次的对比颁一个「最佳别出心裁奖」,那 LMusic 说自己排名第二,那么就没有 App 敢说自己是第一。 LMusic 依旧是来自国内开发者的作品,但它完全没有传统播放器的各种按钮和选项,也没有我们印象中 App 会有的各种操作栏——一切的操作几...
Muzio Music Player is a free music player app for Android. Listen to offline music with synced lyrics. Easily create and manage your music and video library. Experience high-quality sound anytime, anywhere.
Muzio Music Player is a free music player app for Android. Listen to offline music with synced lyrics. Easily create and manage your music and video library. Experience high-quality sound anytime, anywhere.
Similar toVLC for Android,KMPlayer - All Video Player—or KMPlayer—is amultimediaplayer that supports AVI, FLAC, MP3, WAV, and othermedia files. This freemium app works with varioussubtitle formatstoo, including SSA/ASS Subtitle Track, SubRip(.srt), TMPlayer(.txt), and the like. Some of...
1.在tomcat目录下的webapps中新建文件夹mp3,即创建mp3简单应用工程。 2.在mp3下创建WEB-INF文件夹,并在WEB-INF文件夹下创建web.xml文件,此时完成mp3 web工程的搭建。 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" ...
player.pause(); }publicvoidplay(){ player.reset();try{ player.setDataSource(""); player.prepareAsync(); player.setOnPreparedListener(newMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() { @OverridepublicvoidonPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { ...
mPlayer is a suitable MP3 and MPEG player for those that want a fully customized playlist. Thepersonalizationoptions allow you to change the color of the interface in five ways: Dark Theme, Primary Color, Accent Color, Colored Status Bar, and Colored Navigation Bar. You can also upgrade the ...
3. 定义一个继承Service的服务类PlayerServie 1. 注册条目点击监听器OnItemClickListener mMusiclist = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.music_list); mMusiclist.setOnItemClickListener(new MusicListItemClickListener()); mp3Infos = getMp3Infos();