Now, the url_launcher has amacosandwebplatform plugin. And I see that they had the extra noop/androiddirectory added. But turns out, if I download them both and use them locally, I can change theirbuild.gradlefiles as well to add the above lines, and now the build succeeds. I've bee...
It is used to develop apps on everything from iOS to Android to desktop, sharing the app logic between them and maintaining a native user experience. Kotlin’s syntax follows the same core concepts as iOS development, making it easy for iOS developers to learn. Companies that use Kotlin ...
It is used to develop apps on everything from iOS to Android to desktop, sharing the app logic between them and maintaining a native user experience. Kotlin’s syntax follows the same core concepts as iOS development, making it easy for iOS developers to learn. Companies that use Kotlin ...
adb shell am start -n io.github.dawncraft.desktopaddons/.ui.MainActivity 用以下命令显示桌面小部件的ID adb shell dumpsys appwidget 用以下命令刷新所有桌面小部件(需要root或模拟器)自v4.0.0起无效 adb shell su am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED -n io.github.dawncraft.desk...
privatevoidaddShortcutToDesktop() { Intent shortcut =newIntent( ""); // 不允许重建 shortcut.putExtra("duplicate",false); // 设置名字 shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME,"加菲快捷"); ...
drawer.addDrawerListener(toggle); toggle.syncState(); navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener(this); //Set default fragment navigationView.setCheckedItem(; setCurrentFragment(AppFragment.SingleAccount); } @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSel...
redirect to Windows apps using custom URI schemes. Set the intent action add a string extra to the intent the custom URI as the value. For example, to launch the Windows Calculator app from an Android app (Java):...
进入findDropTarget,有一个 mDropTargets 的变量列表,保存了所有的 Target,这些 Target 在 Launcher 启动的时候就通过方法 addDropTarget(DropTarget target) 添加到 DrageController 中来。包括 Workspace、Folder、ButtonDropTarget 等。在这么多 Target 中,如何判断当前是移到哪个 Target 呢?通过 target 的实例调用...
The ADB pull command will save files to the platform-tools or adb folder if you haven’t specified a destination. If you want to specify where a file is saved, add a path on your computer to the end of the command like this example on Windows:adb pull /sdcard/pic.jpg %USERPROFILE%...