Play the most popular mobile games and run apps on PC with NoxPlayer, the best Android Emulator. Supports Android 9. Compatible with Windows & Mac. Much faster and more stable.
8. Genymotion for mac 9. Memu 10. KoPlayerBest Android Emulators for windows, mac & linux1. Bluestacks [Best Android emulator Windows]Let’s start with the most famous of all. Bluestacks is an outstanding Android emulator for PC that for many years has been the go-to choice for Android...
We’ve manually picked and collected some awesome emulators that you can’t live without. It’s possible to download the best Android Emulator for PC available for Windows 7, 8 as well as Mac PC. 1.) Virtual Box:- We already discussed about Virtual Box in our previous tutorial fordownload...
Android emulator下安装 在Android应用开发过程中,我们经常需要测试我们的应用在不同设备上的运行情况。为了方便开发人员进行测试,Android SDK提供了一个强大的工具——Android模拟器(emulator)。通过Android模拟器,开发人员可以在计算机上模拟各种Android设备的运行环境,方便测试和调试。
Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in. Topicsandroid windows google-apps windows-10 windows10 android-emulator subsystem magisk windows-11 wsa ...
GameLoop and 7.1 Beta (New Custom) is an emulator that quickly downloads and runs the best Android games and applications on a PC: Pubg Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, Free Fire, Mobile Legends, etc.
3) 模拟器连接 device=MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(6,’emulator-5554′) 参数1:超时时间,单位秒,浮点数,默认是无限期地等待。 参数2:指定的设备名称device_id,默认为当前设备(手机优先,其次为模拟器) 4) app 安装 模拟器启动成功后,安装apk device.installPackage('F:\\QQyinle_439.apk') 其中,参数为apk...
9. Android Emulator:Android Emulator是一种模拟器,可以在PC上模拟真实的Android设备,以便开发者可以在PC上运行Android应用程序。10. Android Debug Bridge:Android Debug Bridge(ADB)是一种用于调试Android设备的工具,可以用来安装、卸载和调试Android应用程序。11. Genymotion:Genymotion是一款用于模拟Android设备的...