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安装凤凰系统,如下准备提前下载好需要的东西以及一个容量过的去的U盘。 URL:http://www.phoenixos.com/ 按照惯例,还是在VMware中提前测试。 创建新的新的虚拟机(略过) 开始安装 1、打开你ISO文件里面的文件/系统 2、选择第二项“Installation - Ins
15、继续选 Yes ,回车 选Yes ,回车 16、等待加载完后,用↑↓键选 Reboot ,回车 等待加载... 选Reboot ,回车 17、用↑↓键选第二个,回车 选第二个,回车 18、等待加载,直到代码长时间不滚动时,按回车,此时会出现:/android # 等待加载... 按回车 ...
download the android x86 iso file. rufus install the iso to the flash drive. rufus need download some configuration files. So this need some VPN tool. Or you can use other flash drive system tool. click advance setting to install the system in the disk in the pc. connect the internet ca...
Installing Android™ on a laptop involves downloading the Android™ -x86 ISO and creating a bootable universal serial bus (USB) drive. You'll then boot your computer from the USB drive to run Android™ in a live environment or install it directly on your laptop's hard drive. It's a...
Openthos is new, and it supports Android apps and Linux apps in multi-windows. For this to run your computer’s CPU should be 64-bit architecture. Getting the ISO file of this operating system was a tedious task itself. First, you have to go through the link and enter the password, an...
CAN是控制器域网 (Controller Area Network, CAN) 的简称,是由研发和生产汽车电子产品著称的德国BOSCH公司开发了的,并最终成为国际标准(ISO11898)。是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。在北美和西欧,CAN总线协议已经成为汽车计算机控制系统和嵌入式工业控制局域网的标准总线,并且拥有以CAN为底层协议专为大型货车和重工机...