这可以帮助您确认是否还有其他问题需要解决。在Google Play Console控制台进入Pre-launch Report查看。 参考解决链接:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76931031/warning-app-must-target-android-13-api-level-33-or-higher-it-does Solution1 I was faced with this warning for a similar reason - I had a ...
由于用户很难将位置信息权限与 Wi-Fi 功能相关联,因此 Android 13(API 级别 33)在 NEARBY_DEVICES 权限组中引入了新的运行时权限,适用于管理设备与附近 Wi-Fi 接入点连接情况的应用。此权限 (NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES) 可满足这些 Wi-Fi 用例。 只要您的应用不会通过 Wi-Fi API 推导物理位置,那么当您以 Android...
由于用户很难将位置信息权限与 Wi-Fi 功能相关联,因此 Android 13(API 级别 33)在 NEARBY_DEVICES 权限组中引入了新的运行时权限,适用于管理设备与附近 Wi-Fi 接入点连接情况的应用。此权限 (NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES) 可满足这些 Wi-Fi 用例。只要您的应用不会通过 Wi-Fi API 推导物理位置,那么...
// When your app targets API level 33 or higherclipData.apply{description.extras=PersistableBundle().apply{putBoolean(ClipDescription.EXTRA_IS_SENSITIVE,true)}}// If your app targets a lower API levelclipData.apply{description.extras=PersistableBundle().apply{putBoolean("android.content.extra.IS_SE...
How to meet Google's TargetSDK requirements of Android 13. New apps must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher; except for Wear OS apps, which must target a version between Android 11 (API level 30) and Android 13 (API level 33), inclusive.
上面我们提到 Android 13 提供了剪切板预览功能,但是如果复制的是敏感内容的话,可以在调用ClipboardManager#setPrimaryClip()之前向 ClipData 的ClipDescription添加一个标志,这样预览的时候就看不到敏感内容了。 代码如下: 登录后复制// When your app targets API level 33 or higherclipData.apply {description.extra...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Android API level 33 gradle版本的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Android API level 33 gradle版本问答内容。更多Android API level 33 gradle版本相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和
Description Since updating to Flutter 3.22 I'm running into an Android exception when embedding Unity into Flutter using either the flutter_unity_widget or flutter_embed_unity plugin. This only happens on Android < 13. Even though the ex...
Android 系统版本与Sdk版本对应一览 Android 14 SDK API level 34 Android 13 SDK API level 33 Android ...
Step 2. Update project settings to target Android 13 Validate that your app is configured to target Android API level 33 or newer, and follow one of the sections below for the type of project you have. Android Native Validate your compile and target SDK version is at least version 33 app...