AnyTrans 支持一鍵將 LINE 聊天記錄從安卓跨系統轉移,同時也支持在 iPhone 間進行轉移。它還支持14天以上的 LINE 聊天記錄轉移。AnyTrans 還提供了選擇性將 LINE 備份恢復至新手機的功能,這將使你能夠選擇性地恢復特定的聊天記錄,而不是全部轉移。此外,你還可以透過 AnyTrans 移轉安卓/三星手機的資料到新 iPhone...
接著iTransor for LINE 會請你在 iPhone 上登入 LINE,就按照指示登入即可。 之後iTransor for LINE 就會開始將剛才從 Android 上播份的 LINE 資料轉移到新的 iPhone 上,同時 iPhone 手機可能也會重啟數次,這都是正常的。 如果需要重新設定 iPhone 的話,選擇下方的「不讀取 App 與資料」,就不會影響到原本 LI...
LINE 備份啟用碼目前看起來相當不錯的功能,只要設定過一次,就可以在更換新手機的時候,無論是換到 Android 還是 iOS 系統,都可以幫你復原至少 14 天內的聊天記錄,超過 14 天的部分,就要靠 iCloud 或是 Google One 所備份的聊天記錄來還原。 延伸閱讀》 Android 轉 iPhone 的 Line 聊天對話記錄備份、轉移方式教...
An extreme-physics climbing game where you swing up dangerous mountain peaks and rescue stranded survivors from avalanches and angry goats. Mobile action game available on iPhone and Android.
Copy Android/iPhone Line Messages to PC or another Android/iPhone If you have two Android/iPhone devices or one Android and one iPhone, it's always wise to find a tool to help you manage Line chat history for your Android/iPhone devices or to transfer Line chat history between Android and...
最近因為 iPhone 11 系列的推出,所以開始出現了一波換機潮,特別是 Android 要換到 iPhone 的,就會來問阿湯有關於 LINE 跨系統轉移的問題,隨著 LINE 的更新、Android 版本的升級等問題,其實聊天轉移愈來愈麻煩,這篇我算是拖了很久才生出來的內容,先前就分享過 Android
Fret not as Backuptrans Android iPhone Line Transfer + provides an easy way to transfer Line chat messages with attachment between Android and iPhone in only a few clicks on computer. Just connect both your iPhone and Android phone to computer and then click the "Transfer" button, then you ...
You got a new phone, Right? And now you are looking for the methods to transfer your LINE chat from Android to your new iPhone. Here I am presenting you a guide that will help you through it. In this article, you will learn how to transfer LINE from andr
NEW YORK, N.Y., Jan. 17, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- It is challenging for smartphone users who've bought a new iPhone to move LINE chat history from Android to iPhone. That is right on point, though, as LINE offers no solution to make it easier for us
Most users don’t know how to transfer LINE from Android to iPhone without computer. This article talks about the right methods to do that.