Lubahn DB, Brown TR, Simental JA, Higgs HN, Migeon CJ, Wilson EM, French FS: Sequence of the intron/exon junctions of the coding region of the human androgen receptor gene and identification of a point mutation in a family with complete androgen insensitivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A....
These results paralleled those found for the Apelin gene (Fig. 2C), which encodes for a peptide hormone linked to IR and obesity13. Up-regulated adipose RAS in obese individuals, contributes to IR and hypertension. We found that angiotensinogen (Agt) and receptor of Angiotensin II type 1 (...
(AR) consists of an amino terminal modulating domain, a central DNA binding domain, a hinge region and a carboxy terminal ligand binding domain. The androgen receptor (AR) is a 110 kDa androgen-dependent transcription factor that is a member of...
c. The cellular receptor for testosterone in the target cells is defective. d. The male with thWhich of the following disorders is not caused by a change in chromosome structure? a. cri du chat syndrome b. inv dup 15 syndrome c. Klinefelter syndrome d. Alagille syndrome...
Prostatic adenocarcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in the United States and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men (Landis et al., 1998). Most prostate cancers are treated by androgen ablation, since androgen is a requir
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a heterogeneous malignancy as a result of complex genetic and epigenetic alterations. HCC is characterized by a clear gender disparity for which there is lack of a clear mechanistic understanding. Androgen receptor (AR)
The androgen receptor (AR) is a DNA-binding transcription factor that regulates genes critical for the development and maintenance of the male sexual phenotype. Defects in androgen receptor have been shown to play a role in prostate cancer, and inhibit...
Holterhus PM, Hiort O, Demeter J, Brown PO, Brooks JD: Differential gene-expression patterns in genital fibroblasts of normal males and 46,XY females with androgen insensitivity syndrome: evidence for early programming involving the androgen receptor. Genome Biol. 2003, 4: R37-10.1186/gb-2003-4...
Animal studies on rodents underlined the importance of sex specificity of the pattern of GH secretion and GH signaling involving STAT5b for maintenance of a large part of sexual dimorphism of gene expression in the liver [42]. Since human PBMC express the GH receptor [43], this mechanism could...