经过多方努力,本月,Tate在Facebook、Instagram、Youtube等的社交账号已经全部被封禁。 YouTube发言人Ivy Choi表示,由于Tate的频道“多次违反”社群指南和服务条款,包括YouTube的仇恨言论政策,因此将关闭与Tate有关的频道。 当人们直呼:大快人心!的时候,Tate的众多支持者们却都一个个跳出来为他“打抱不平”。 “你...
币界网消息,知名 YouTube 博主 Coffeezilla 在质疑安德鲁·泰特(Andrew Tate)推广的可疑加密项目后,收到了一波来自泰特粉丝的辱骂邮件。Coffeezilla 曾就 Tate 推广的 VENOM、DADDY 和 ROOST 代币提出疑问,并询问他为何试图让 The Real World 币 (TRW) 获得美国 SEC 的监管认证。Tate 随后发布视频回应,未正面回答...
However, we found no reporting that said he had been arrested at the time, despite what the YouTube video's description had misleadingly claimed. Advertisement: It's unclear when exactly the video was recorded, but the events shown in the footage happened long before the Tate brothers' ...
YouTube terminated almost half the of the accounts Sky News flagged to the platform, adding: "We terminated channels associated with Andrew Tate for multiple violations of our community guidelines and terms of service, including our hate speech policy. If a channel is term...
But who is Andrew Tate, why has he suddenly gone viral, and why is he currently under investigation for human sex trafficking in Romania? Here’s everything you need to know. Who is Andrew Tate? According to his website, he was born in the U.S. and holds British and U.S. citizensh...
YouTube took down his channel due to his claimed frequent violations of their standards. He promoted false information about COVID-19 and professed enmity for him. As a result, Andrew Tate decided to delete his Twitch channel. He took responsibility for how his words were received, even as ...
Tabusca points to an advertisement for the "PhD" course on Tate's website now taken down, but that she has archived. "My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she's quality, get her to fall in love with me to wh...
with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’ll talk about Hollywood sex abuse (Bella Thorne) and fashion symbolism (Jeff Goldblum, Simpson Balenciaga and Rihanna), as well as the Idaho murders predictive programming, Jeffree Star Illuminati claims and Andre...
Social media personality Andrew Tate has appeared in court in Romania's capital on charges of rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang to exploit women.
Hustler's University - Andrew Tate(无字幕) 2887播放 【辩证唯物主义】深入理解“问题在于改造世界”,初步理解“新旧唯物主义的不同立足点” 6.1万播放 【主义主义】意识形态学(3-2-4-4)——“黑化”了的哲学:阿尔都塞的“超定”辩证法目前的主要功能 7.5万播放 男人的主场是现实世界 30.1万播放 真正鲜活的物...