TheBritishpolicealsowanttospeaktoAndrewTate. 英國警方也想和安德魯-泰特談談。 They'veaskedforhistransferfromRomaniabutthey'vealsoacceptedthattheRomanianchargeswillbedealtwith. 他們已經要求將他從羅馬尼亞轉出,但也同意羅馬尼亞的指控將得到處理。 AnylegalproceedingsinRomaniawhicharecompletelyseparateandunrelatedtoanythi...
YouTube did not directly respond to a VICE News request to account for why the Tate videos were able to be posted despite the supposed ban in 2022 on such content across the platform. A spokesperson instead said that the platform had committed significant time and money addressing harm...