Andrew NG Notes Collection This is the first course of the deep learning specialization at Coursera which is moderated by The course is taught by Andrew Ng. Andrew NG Machine Learning Notebooks : Reading Deep learning Specialization Notes in One pdf : Reading Sr NoArticle Reading...
Andrew Ng Course Notes. Contribute to RedstoneWill/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
tensorflow 学习(三) - 常用的CNN模型 1. AlexNet模型 2012年,Alex等人在多伦多大学Geoff Hinton的实验室设计出了一个深层的卷积神经网络AlexNet,原始的AlexNet v1主要由5个卷积层和3个全连接层组成, AlexNet v2去掉了localNorm层,并在最后3层中使用了卷积层代替全连接层,构造了全卷积结构。 2. VGG模型 2014...
【导读】近期,斯坦福大学深度学习课程有开课了,主讲老师是人工智能领域知名学者Andrew Ng和Kian Katanforoosh。我们在早些时候也编辑发布了卡耐基梅隆大学的深度学习课程,斯坦福大学和卡耐基梅隆大学一样,都是当今走在AI领域前沿的机构。今天整理的斯坦福大学深度学习课程的主要内容同样涵盖了深度学习的基础知识和常见的模型,...
So you can always refer back, you know, either to these slides, possible coursework, so audible lecture notes if you forget well, A41 was that? Which row, which column was that? Don't worry about memorizing everything now. You can always refer back to the written materials on the ...
2. DNN概述论文:详解前馈、卷积和循环神经网络技术 3. colah's blog 4. Model Zoom 5. DNN概述 CNN 发展史 教程 Action GAN 发展史 教程 Action 1. GAN学习指南:从原理入门到制作生成Demo 2. 机器之心GitHub项目:GAN完整理论推导与实现 RNN 发展史 ...
3. CNN图像分割简史:从R-CNN到Mask R-CNN(译) 4. 深度学习之目标检测的前世今生(Mask R-CNN) 5. 纵览轻量化卷积神经网络:SqueezeNet、MobileNet、ShuffleNet、Xception 6. 深度学习目标检测模型全面综述:Faster R-CNN、R-FCN和SSD 7. 图像语义分割(Semantic segmentation) Survey 7. 从RCNN到SSD,这应该是最...