近日,吴恩达(Andrew Ng)与 ARK Invest 首席投资策略师 查理·罗伯茨Charlie Roberts, 以及首席未来学家 布雷特·温顿Brett Winton ,展开了一次对谈,在他看来,Agent Systems不仅已经出现,而且在技术层面几乎没有太多的风险。如今,AI产品的主要挑战在于执行而不是设
One design pattern is the Reflection Workflow, where AI critiques its own outputs and revises them. Another design pattern involves Multi-Agent Collaboration, where different agents work together, such as one generating code and another reviewing it. Additionally, AI systems now support function ...
Andrew 说AI Agent Workflow今年会极大推动 AI 的发展, 甚至比 Foundation Model 更值得关注(deeplearning.ai/the-bat), 因为chatgpt 的用法, 就好像要求一个人从头到尾写一篇文章, 不许回溯不许修改, 连删除键都不允许用, 还期望一个得到一个很好的结果. 而实际上人都不是这么工作的. 最近的 Devin等项目的...
在最近的一条推文中,人工智能专家Andrew Ng讨论了人工智能工作流程的未来,强调了四种设计模式:反思、工具使用、规划和多智能体协作。这些模式表明了人工智能从提供即时输出转变为参与更复杂的过程,模仿人类在解决问题时的行为。考虑到Ng在人工智能领域的影响力,他... 内容导读 在最近的一条推文中,人工智能专家Andrew ...
I believe this work, parelling the work ProtonMail is doing with secure email, is crucial in developing technology that exceeds the minimums to go above and beyond. ProtonVPN There will be a review here for ProtonVPN eventually. It definitely deserves a spot in my paper. Cryptostorm Lastly,...
Once the agent has been installed on all of your nodes, you should see them in the dashboard. At this point, you might want to tag your nodes appropriately. This allows you to specify which nodes your services will run on. For example, you might have a set of nodes tagged as staging...
近日,吴恩达(Andrew Ng)与 ARK Invest 首席投资策略师 查理·罗伯茨Charlie Roberts, 以及首席未来学家 布雷特·温顿Brett Winton ,展开了一次对谈,在他看来,Agent Systems不仅已经出现,而且在技术层面几乎没有太多的风险。如今,AI产品的主要挑战在于执行而不是设计。今天大飞就来分享一下这次访谈的内容。 知识 野生...