Still, in the Hebrew literary tradition, the art of the joke-name was not a slapstick gimmick but rather a fully developed literary genre (see our articles on the names Amraphel, Tiglath-pileser, Carpus or Onesimus). The Greek verb χεω (cheo) means to flow, from which derives the ...
Andrew英文名什么意思:有男子气概的,男性的,勇敢的,骁勇的 有男子气概的 英语形式的希腊名字Ανδρεας(安德烈亚斯),它是从ανδρειος(andreios)“男子气概,男性”,ανηρ(aner)“人”的派生。在新约中,使徒安德鲁是第一个加入耶稣的门徒,是西门彼得的兄弟。根据传统,他后来在黑海地区传讲,...
John, in Hebrew, means: “Yahweh has been gracious.” Godspeed, John. Question: My mind is constantly racing. I know that having no thoughts is the goal of meditation, but for me it’s unattainable. How can I possibly come to a thought-free state? The first step is to see that the...
In Mr. Lewes’s own experience, which was large, ‘the means have always been proved to be either deliberate imposture . . . or the well-known effects of expectant attention’. That is, when Lord Adare, the Master of Lindsay, and a cloud of other witnesses, thought they saw heavy ...
Why I am not a right-winger On faith in tooth relicsBasic concepts Ascent and Descent Intimacy and integrity Ascent-descent and intimacy-integrity together Perennial questions? Virtuous and vicious means Dialectical and demonstrative argument Chastened intellectualism and practice Yavanayāna Buddhism: what...
As befits the newspaper of record of an old Dutch settlement, its banner bore the mottoEen=dracht maakt macht, a Dutch translation of the old Latin motto of the Seven Provinces that means “Unity makes strength”. These old and highly localised newspapers were once the chief source of inform...
The use of this word is peculiar to our Gospel (Luke, ἰχθύες; Mark, ἰχθύας, the ordinary word for "fish; "but John uses the word ὀψάρια, the diminutive of the Greek word ὄψον, which means "savoury," eaten with bread). This opsarion mostly ...
(we feel another volume creeping up on us). However, we hope that this collection will stimulate scholars and practitioners to find each other and work together in the future to contribute to a greater understanding of what Australia’s diversity means for policy. It has been Australia’s ...
Jewish polygamy peppers the Old Testament, even if the marriages tend not to be portrayed in positive terms; the Hebrew word tzarah means both “second wife” and “trouble.” Today, polygyny — the subset of polygamy that involves one man and multiple women — enjoys legal status or ...
He believed that one can control foreign lands only by winning over the population and sought accordingly to present himself in terms that would make him sympathetic to the locals, feigning sympathy for their religion as a means to an end. (It is notable that his strategies varied considerably...