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33. “I have always been afraid of banks.”— Andrew Jackson 34. “Fear not, the people may be deluded for a moment, but cannot be corrupted.”— Andrew Jackson 35. “Elevate those guns a little lower.”— Andrew Jackson 36. “Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest...
Andrew Jackson 's The Trail Of Tears Hello one and all, buckle up for the ride cause I am about to tell you about the one the only cheese eating, duel fighting, wife loving, cold hearted killer ANDREW JACKSON! Who is this man Andrew Jackson? Well you may have heard of him from his...
Peter Jackson was understandably unhappy with an Arwen who sits at home doing embroidery throughout the adventure: but his solution, to put her on a horse and give her Golrfindel’s job, is not especially imaginative. Tolkien fans are incredibly toxic. Well, fans are incredibly toxic. Or pr...
ZZ Top and Michael Jackson. Stevie Nicks had cool clothes– all those gowns and stuff. CDs/movies/video games you’ll bring on tour?Two Towers, Sorcerer’s Stone, Leslie Nielsen movies, Seinfeld, Simpsons tapes. The new TranzWorld cd. Favorite things about summer festivals?It’s a whole ...
Thanks to Jim Jackson, former student and now all-star lawyer. Categories: Miscellaneous, Pleadings & Other Documents | Leave a comment Beware of Fluffy October 14th, 2024 Beware of Dog. Would you believe the referenced dog in the pictured sign that escaped through this wrought-iron fence wa...
(“There was Frankie Lymon, Bobby Fuller, Mitch Ryder (they were rockin’).” Jackson Brown’s Lawyers in Love reached the Top 40 in 1983, while his album of the same name made it all the way to #8 in the charts. The sardonic Sue Me, Sue You Blues appeared on former Beatle ...
Now, Jackson and Wacker is famous ’cause of Andrew Jackson and because people used to get whacked. Right below me, the Chicago Pond, a beautiful piece of water. People swim in here. Olympics train in this thing. Jordan actually was inside the mold when they molded him. They cracked it...