Simon Cowell introduces the singing talent show where every contestant has to sing the British national anthem, even though not a single one of them actually knows the words. Doctor Red-White-and-Blue This week the Doctor takes the Tardis on holiday to Benidorm, and decries the lack of any...
“Tick, Tick” introduces us to Larson five years before “Rent” would mount that first performance. The film’s title refers to the solo musical Larson wrote about his own existential struggle, as a man who is obsessed with making art but cannot catch a break to fund it. H...
This introduces a view of equality rather different from that in which we have been trained. I do not think that equality is one of those things (like wisdom or happiness) which are good simply in themselves and for their own sakes. I think it is in the same class as medicine, which ...
By the time Yang nails his go-to punchline at the Clyburn fish-fry —“We have to advance our society and economy as fast as possible, and I am the man for that job, because the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math!”— the crowd is roaring with applause. Even...
1. The Philosophical Setup.Pete introduces a “philosophical arena,” a hypothetical scenario in which the children can play. “Supposethat…” Or “Let’s…” In this recorded conversation, he directs the children’s attention to a stick figure consisting of 4 pencils, a block, and a ball...