石头Emma Stone和加菲Andrew Garfield要完婚了!两人合拍新版《蜘蛛侠》结缘,两只从银幕情侣变成现实生活中的情侣,自交往3年以来,一直都是出双入对,恩爱令人羡慕,堪称好莱坞的情侣模范。今年夏天,加菲Andrew Garfield将在意大利罗马迎娶石头Emma Stone,婚礼只邀请25位亲戚朋友参加。祝福! ...
#Andrew Garfield##Emma Stone# 激动!!终于再同框!高兴!![鲜花][鲜花][鲜花]想从前都甜到齁晕路人[好喜欢][好喜欢][心]真的是复合就太替他们开心了!
Emma Stone 與 Andrew Garfield 2014 年出席 Met Gala (Image from GettyImages) 在數日前的美國演員工會頒獎禮(SAG Awards)上,Emma Stone的金色單肩上衣與黑長褲的造型性感又帥氣,除了打扮備受矚目,陪伴她出席的Dave McCary也引人注視,他們在1年多前已傳出緋聞,現在首次以情侶姿態出現,証明雙方感情也相當穩定。
可是,據外媒《Page Six》爆料指,Emma 已經有男友,但他不是 Andrew Garfield,而是電視節目導演 Dave McCary。報道指,二人於 2016 年 12 月因 Emma 參與《SNL》節目錄製,認識了他而擦出火花。今年 6 月,Dave 推出獨立電影《Brigsby Bear》,當時還和 Emma 一起出席首映禮。 Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage ...
Just days before Us Weekly confirmed that Emma Stone is on a break from longtime boyfriend Andrew Garfield, the actress appeared to have a pep in her step as she visited the Happiest Place on Earth. The Oscar nominee was joined by pals and her brother Spencer for laughs, smiles, and of ...
Garfield began datingEmma Stone, his co-star in “The Amazing Spider-Man,” in 2011, and they dated for four years. They were regarded as one of Hollywood’s most adored couples. They stayed friends after their separation and supported one another in interviews. ...
石头姐#Emma S..石头姐#Emma Stone# 和男友加菲#Andrew Garfield#纽约街拍继续秀恩爱!话说加菲干嘛那么调皮,拿胡子来玩
Stone, 25, and Garfield, 30, have been linked since 2011, around the time filming on "The Amazing Spider-Man" began. Garfield initiated the public announcement of their loveMonday on "GMA," saying, "She's a full genius, or she has found her genius and she's doing it so beautifu...
Andrew Garfield&Emma Stone 超凡…,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
当地时间9月15日,久未露面的安德鲁·加菲尔德 (Andrew Garfield) 与女友艾玛·斯通 (Emma Stone) 保持低调在纽约外出。 Dress Candywzx 同采自 star.haibao.com 该采集也在以下画板 加载更多 hidepink采集到素材–街景小场景 7 采集 337 hidepink采集到 ...