Andrew Ellington received his BS in Biochemistry from Michigan State University in 1981, and his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Harvard in 1988. As a graduate student he worked with Steve Benner on the evolutionary optimization of dehydrogenase isozymes. His post-doctoral work was wi...
Analysis of a Zygomycota genome, representing a basal branch within the fungi, indicates that HMG-domain proteins were present as ancestral sex determinants and suggests a mechanism for the evolution of eukaryotic sex chromosomes.doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.01.017Elsevier Inc.Current Biology...
Duke Ellington – Happy Reunion. An undeservedly obscure piece of Ellingtonia: two sessions recorded in Chicago over 1957-58 when Duke was passing through, with different subgroups of the full orchestra. The small-group playing here is relaxed and beautiful, and the sound more open and spacious...
Ellington, Alexander, Happy Hut 6 Falconer, John, Mount Friendship 72/ 4 Falconer, Margaret 20* Feurtado, Horatio, Mount George 28/ 6 Fonseca, Elias, Mount Pleasant 19 Forbes, Alexander, Mount Airy 49 Garaud, Martonne~ 6 Hall, Charles William, deceased, Hall's Prospect and Pen 81/ 2 ...
going stream of consciousness, but there are some wonderful things in there. Musicians he admired, the origin of his sound (Coleman Hawkins + Adrian Rollini!), his time driving Duke Ellington around, tour life, Vegas, ‘current’ musicians he was listening to (Pepper, Mulligan, Brignola etc...
The Andrew Bird Trio, a new project from multi-instrumentalist and singerAndrew Bird, have announcedSunday MorningPut-On: an album featuring unique takes on mid-century jazz classics. The project puts a focus on small group jazz, featuring songs from Cole Porter,Duke Ellington, Lerner & Loewe,...
The faithful cover of a Sonny Sharrock tune fits comfortably amid the tributes to Ellington and Ornette; it all sounds great. Duke Ellington – The Complete Ellington Indigos. These atmospheric mood pieces were Duke’s particular genius. Aside from the obligatory take on Mood Indigo, most of...
There was a time when me, Ellington, Greco and some other Baker dudes were skating Sunset, Hollywood Blvd. and Highland. We skated Hollywood High everyday. We were partying on Sunset, all our apartments were right Sunset, always skated right there. So one day we skated down to Melrose,...
将蛋白组装成复杂结构有助于开发新型药物递送、能量转移和生物信息存储等。 著名合成生物学家 Andrew Ellington 借助于将 GFP 表面氨基酸残基突变,从而实现带有正或负电荷的 GFP,从…
著名合成生物学家 Andrew Ellington 借助于将 GFP 表面氨基酸残基突变,从而实现带有正或负电荷的 GFP,从而实现有序聚集形成超级结构。该文发表在Nature Chemistry 上。 科研人员通过首先改变 GFP 蛋白的表面残基,开发具备正电荷的 GFP 和负电荷的 GFP,当将带有正电荷和负电荷的 GFP,同时放入 PH=7.0的溶液中,通过稍...