There are not many things in this life more important to me than food and I love to cook for my hosts. I've been cooking since I was around 5 years old (mainly because my parents couldn't!), I've taken a few specialised courses, acquired knowledge and built up skills from meeting ...
known as the useless press officer at DOSAC in ‘The Thick of It’. Here she is the dressmaker Mrs Overvalt, but she was Vermeer’s cook Tanneke in ‘Girl with the Pearl Earring’. If my rudimentary calculations are correct, this means she has been in two-thirds of twenty-first-cent...
s Parade, which will duly be held tommorrow. Monsignor Doyle even appeared before mass last Sunday to solemnly announce the honor to the assembled faithful, citing this public citizen’s good works (among them, sending food over from his rather capable kitchens when the rectory cook is away)....
Well: "thinking old things are better than new ones" is pretty much the definition of "conservative". My own taste is in fact rather unfashionable, not to say old-fashioned. For example, I have been greatly enjoying the recently discovered 1966 Morecambe and Wise shows currently playing on R...
As I write, I have heard 2 talks both of which have been absolutely fascinating (and quite honestly, scary. Especially regarding military applications of AI which is already here). I didn’t take notes however the BBC interviewed Professor Russell ahead of the talks. I have provided a summar...
The next generation oven will come with a built-in corporate lawyer who will send you threatening cease and desist alerts if you overcook or undercook your food and bill at a rate of $300 per hour. If you don’t put a lid on the food and it spatters the inside, you will be sued...
We should never forget the Expert Professor’s good warning not to confuse luck and skill which was echoed by Professor Diebold’s discussion of alpha and beta. The greatest way to lose money of course, is the weak hand syndrome, whose symptoms strike both on the bailout and on the ...
1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School The 'Companion Text' to Law School: Understanding and Surviving Life with a Law Student Practical Global Tort Litigation: United States, Germany and Argentina ...
My participation waned though about the time I got a job as a professor. When starting I could skim almost every question, and I learned a ton from that participation. But when the site got more popular that approach was not sustainable. And combined with less time as a professor I just...
Andrew: Well, I was born in India, and spent my whole childhood in India. It was itself a spiritual initiation. Everything in my life comes from that. Because I was born into a sacred world, a sacred culture. I was a child of Protestant parents, but I had a Hindu cook and a Cath...