Andrej Pejic: The man who conquers women’s world Andrej Pejic: The man who conquers women’s world. You can see this face nearly everywhere. It appears on magazine covers and in commercial ads on TV. However, few people may understand why this image has become a symbol of modern beauty...
妞2011年拍了14个COVERS (如果刚出来的加拿大FASHION杂志也是今年的话就会是15个封面),对比TOP100 MODELS(TOP 50 MODELS&TOP50 MALE MODELS)。妞是这TOP100人中拍摄封面最多的(石头一姐是12个亚军呵呵)。众多封面中个人觉得分量最重的应该是九月刊的New York Magazine。 部分资料参考自MDC 来自andrejpejic吧 rachel...