he’s frequently spoken about and remembered so fondly. Not only was Andre a pivotalfigure within the wrestlingindustry, but he was also outside of it too. Everything from his infamous drinking prowess to his prominent role in the film ‘The Princess Bride,’ Andre the Giant truly left a ...
André like beer and proved it with the large amounts he could drink at one time. One of his friends claimed that he once drank 117 bottles of German beer in a night. Other stories have André drinking 106 beers and cleared out every bit of vodka on a flight from Chicago to...
'The Princess Bride': Where Are They Now? André the Giant, who died of heart failure in 1993, weighed more than 500 pounds and was 7-foot-4. Because of his size and his physically strenuous job as a wrestler, the late star was in great pain, Elwes said, and drinking was...
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