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2013. The Jews of Andhra Pradesh: Contesting Caste and Religion in South India. New York: Oxford University Press.Egorova, Yulia, and Shahid Pervez. 2013. The Jews of Andhra Pradesh: Contesting Caste and Religion in South India. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In this article about the Dutch contribution to the REDCo sub-project on the role of gender, related to religion in/and school, the authors present the characteristics in the answers girls and boys, respectively gave to their questionnaires. Qualitative as well as quantitative methods were used ...
Andhra Pradesh - Politics, Society, Economy: Andhra Pradesh is a constituent unit of the Republic of India, and, as such, its government structure, like that of most Indian states, is defined by the national constitution of 1950. A governor, appointed by
Andhra Pradesh - Dravidian, Telugu, Coastal Plains: The population of Andhra Pradesh, like that of the other states of India, is highly diverse. In general, the state’s various communities are identified more readily by a combination of language, religi
Andhra Pradesh - Indian State, Telugu Culture: Although Sanskrit writings dating to about 1000 bce contain references to a people called “Andhras” living south of the central Indian mountain ranges, definitive historical evidence of the Andhras dates f
Visakhapatnam, city and port, northeastern Andhra Pradesh state, southern India. It lies on a small embayment of the Bay of Bengal, about 380 miles (610 km) northeast of Chennai in Tamil Nadu state. Visakhapatnam is a major commercial and administrative