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A deadly ambush ; The killing of 35 crack Greyhounds commandos deals a severe blow to the anti-Maoist operations in Andhra Pradesh as well as in its neighbouring states.Amarnath K. Menon
Passengers of a private#Bushad a narrow escape when#caughtfirein#AndhraPradesh’s#Prakasamdistrict in early morning today. The bus, which was moving towards Chirala from#Hyderabad, caught fire — Surya Reddy (...
Maoists Gather Mass ; Naxalites are gathering forces on the Andhra Pradesh border for a fresh foray into neighbouring Chhattisgarh.Amarnath K. Menon
Telangana - Indian State, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh: Sanskrit writings dating to about 1000 bce mention that “Andhra” people were living in the region now occupied by Telangana state, but historical references begin only with the Mauryan dynasty (late