The Board announced that 67 per cent of the candidates passed the first-year intermediate exam while the pass percentage for the second year is 78.
District family health survey (DFHS) 2000: a pilot study in three districts of Andhra Pradesh to estimate IMR, fer- tility and maternal mortality. Hyderabad: Institute of Health Systems, 2001.Mahapatra P, Chalapati Rao PVC, Kumar KS. District family health survey ...
Race and weight change in US women: the roles of socioeconomic and marital status. BACKGROUND: The prevalence of overweight among Black women in the US is higher than among White women, but the causes are unknown. METHODS: We examined the... HS Kahn,DF Williamson,JA Stevens - 《American...
IIM Visakhapatnam, IIT Tirupati, National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh and IIITDM Kurnool and Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy, Andhra Pradesh boasts of being an educational hub in the southern part of the country. Furthermore, the AP scholarships act as a medium ...
Maize is occupying an important position in Andhra Pradesh Agriculture due to the growing demand for maize from the poultry and other related industries in urban areas like Hyderabad. The present study is an attempt to examine prevailing marketing system of maize, value addition at micro level part...
Educational Status of Scheduled Tribes in Andhra Pradesh: A Study in Visakhapatnam and West Godavari DistrictsScheduled Tribes (STs) and Scheduled Castes (SCs) and denotified tribes constitute the weakest segment of the poor in India. In the present scenario, th...
Mapping of the Archaean, Precambrian and Permocarboniferous sedimentary formations in the northern and southern parts of Godavaririver covering parts of Adilabad and Karimnagar districts through photointerpretation technique, has been found to be fairlyaccurate and reliable. Their unique photo characters ...
Re-Engineering of the Public Libraries in Central Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradeshdoi:10.5958/2320-317X.2022.00032.0ANDHRA Pradesh (India)PUBLIC librariesCOLLECTION development in librariesDIGITAL librariesDIGITAL library resourcesCOMMUNITIESThe objective of this study is to fin...
An area of about 1000 square kilometres in Cuddapah and Nellore districts of Andhra Pradesh is studied to bring out the different landforms and other geomorphic features, their material content and distribution, the processes that have acted and are acting in the evolution of landscape and ...
Characterization of indigenous mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars of Coastal districts in Andhra Pradesh by qualitative charactersA HimabinduD SrihariM RajasekharV SudhavaniP SubbarammammaK Uma KrishnaAkiNik Publications