A Disney Holiday Short: The Boy & The Octopusfollows the journey of a child who discovers a curious octopus has attached to his head during a seaside vacation. After returning home, the boy forms a true friendship with the octopus by introducing his new companion to his life on land — ha...
“The riff-raff stay home and the people who come are usually supportive and more open-minded.” He went on to say that Barre and Perry “understood” his decision, and joked that “they must feel a slight bit of relief they don’t have to learn how ...
The directors Todd Haynes and Walter Murch have talked about “Wisconsin Death Trip” as an influence on their work. Stewart O'Nan’s novel “A Prayer for the Dying” was directly inspired by it, as was Stephen King’s short story “1922.” The book has given rise to operas; the indus...
GARDEN BEDS AVAILABLE: The Community Garden at the Anderson Valley Elder Home has four beds available for rent this season (April through the following March). Some are in-ground and some are raised beds. For a small annual fee (depending on the size of the bed) the Community Garden provid...
The priest came to our home the day before the funeral to plan the service. Rachel and William, their father, and I made suggestions and requests regarding the service. “Leen, I don’t want to do this,” Rachel whispered to me as we walked down the aisle of the church. ...
Karen Anderson: Everything after that was just a blur, you know. And I just can't even — I don't — I mean, the funeral, I can't even remember who was there. Just two months later, another heart-wrenching day … the one on which Haley would have graduated from Binghamton Universi...
but he couldn’t mess up now. Once home, he huddled with his wife, Ingrid, and Ryan in the family room, praying. Ingrid’s brother had committed suicide recently. She knew not to say it was going to be O.K., because it wasn’t. “This is going to be hard for a long time,”...
Calvin asked, more than a little creeped out by the silent group.“A funeral,” Cali said.“A what?” he asked again, but she was already on her feet, searching the ground all around them. He watched her circle the clearing, finallystopping at the far side of the meadow.“Over here...
At this point the judge emerged from chambers, and the press conference was hushed up by the bailiff. But I thought it a clever bit of theater, and can't help but wonder if I was being upstaged by the clerks, the bailiffs, the stenographers —?
his heart. He served in World War II, getting machine-gunned in the legs for his effort; his brother, my uncle Ernie, was killed in battle. You'd think the government he risked his life to defend might at least allow his son to attend his funeral, but no way. Vengeance runs deep....