The beauty of SBS was that you could get Exchange along with the benefits of a Windows domain – one central directory of users and the ability to assign permissions to file shares – at a price that was more than reasonable. I also think of SBS as a reliable product, when correctly ins...
The platforms are so powerful, their names are verbs: Google, Uber, Instagram, Netflix. For years, the dominance of American tech companies has brought economic benefits to the United States. It has also offered an advantage in a less obvious area — national security. Tech companies gather i...
(9) Ahh the evil liberal excuse for society’s ills and for attempting to reform prisons to steer away from mass incarceration which leads to many more ills in society than it benefits is an always present blame game in the comment section and I see today is no exception. Remember we’ve...
At first it was easy to blame the teachers and the administrators with their fancy salaries and benefits and of course the megalomaniacal “national system” that commands them all (No Child Left Behind, Head Start, el al). However, anyone with any ability to even slightly critically observe ...