回原速(Tempo)回到A/B段的速度(A/B Temop)自由节奏(Rubato)渐慢(Ritardando/rit/ritard)突慢(Ritenuto/riten)渐慢(rallentando/rall)稍转慢(poco meno mosso)渐快(accelerando/accel.)稍转快(poco più mosso)速度自由(或散板)(ad libitum/ad lib.)表情 无拘无束、纵情地(Abbandono)亲切、温存...
Tempo: Tempo is the pace by which the downbeats of a piece of music occur. A fast tempo will allot less time to each downbeat than a slow tempo will. Because tempo determines how long every note in a musical composition lasts, it is one of the most important elements of a piece of...
1. Andante is a musical term that indicates a specific tempo, meaning "walking" or "strolling."2. The correct pronunciation of "andante" in English is [ænˈdænteɪ], with the stress on the second syllable.3. In music, an andante movement is characteriz...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 10 Scrabble Words Without Any Vowels ...
musical composition,opus,piece of music,composition,piece- a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four movements" musical passage,passage- a short section of a musical composition Adj.1. andante- (of tempo) moderately slow ...
在Apple Music 上欣赏阿利西亚・德・拉罗查的《Danzas Españolas, Op. 37: X. Danza Triste. Allegretto - Andante - Tempo I》。1995年。时长:4:02
3. Andante can also refer to a composition that is marked with this tempo indication, meaning it is designed to be played at a moderate or slow speed.4. In Italian, the term "andante" means "walking" or "strolling," reflecting the relaxed, leisurely pace associated with this ...
在Apple Music 上欣赏尼格尔・肯尼迪 & 林恩・哈雷尔的《Duo for violin and cello Op. 7: II. Adagio - Andante - Tempo I》。2000年。时长:9:04
Moderato 约=88 中速 多用于奏鸣曲中段乐章和浪漫派乐曲抒情乐章 3.快速类 Allegretto 约=108 小快板 Allegro 约=132 快板 Presto 约=184 急板 多用于奏鸣曲1.3乐章和练习曲等 4.速度变化类 rit 渐慢 tempo rubato 自由速度,但总时值符合基本速度(这就是肖邦作品中最难的东西)a tempo 回原速 piu...
Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> musicat a moderate...slow(of tempo) mo...passagemusical passagepiececompositionpiece of musicopusa musical com...tempopacinga moderately......