,gladiate- The main Latin word for sword was gladius, from which came gladiator; gladiate is an adjective meaning sword-shaped. See also related terms forsword. Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. gladiator ...
On the other hand, in case your huge head is working, then gradual your roll and hear us out and we will explain what their as much as. What they do is try to make it fast and straightforward to sign up beneath the notion you’re getting one thing distinctive. No, it’s only free...
A. However,onthelastmaptheyfoundthiswasapuzzle(谜).Theyspendalongtimearguingaboutthemeaningofthepuzzle. ,Alex,oneofTony’sfriends,foundtheanswer,“Thepuzzlewantsustoputtheletterswehavecollectedbesidefatherandmother.Fatherandmotherareourparents.”Headded,“ theanswertothepuzzleis‘loveyourparents’.”The ...
Yesterday my office announced that offices will reopen after Labor Day, just in time to see me turn 40, meaning we will all be edging our way back into life as we knew it. I don’t know what this means for the world or my family, or how I feel about it. But I do know it see...
x264 bumped from r1169 to r1347, which means speed optimizations, new default settings (see r2742 commit comment), the magic of macroblock tree rate control (mbtree), a new CRF curve (meaning you will get different, generally lower bitrates at the same RF, with similar quality metrics),...
Awry meaning it was clinging to the edge of the bowl, still IN the bowl, but could have possibly touched something germy. This made her want to discard it and I saw her debating. When I asked her what the problem was she replied “well, it is this noodle’s sole purpose in life ...
While the coastal walk is the star of the show, the hidden swing over here is (in my opinion), one of the most instagrammable places in San Diego. It literally hides in a palm tree grove, meaning you can’t see it right from the coastal walk. not the swing because I wasn’t dre...
🙂 Plus, it is low in calories meaning I don’t have to cheat to eat these. YAY! More Leeks Recipes: LoCal … Read More about Hickory Smoked Bacon Parmesan Leeks Recipe Guinness Battered Fish and Chips Recipe Just about everyone has tasted delicious beer-battered fish and chips. This ...
And for good reason; it’s even larger than entire countries we love (Italy), and around the same size as others (Japan), meaning it’s got lots of square miles for boasting about. California is home to the world’s largest tree (General Sherman), the highest peak in the lower 48...
to an angry mouth having the same meaning as angry eyes." "With our study, we think we can now confidently conclude that at least some dogs can distinguish human facial expressions," Muller toldLive Science. At this point, it is not clear why dogs seem to be equipped with the ability ...