[IEEE 14th International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing - Workshops (ICIAPW 2007) - Modena, Italy (2007.09.10-2007.09.13)] 14th International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing - Workshops (ICIAPW 2007) - On the Scalability and Adapta ...
Increased soil temperatures affected the mineral assemblage and the concentrations of some major and trace element oxides and the degree of weathering of the soils. These changes were, however, insignificant. The segregation of PTEs into the different soil geochemical fractions before and after heating...
14 januari 2025 Version: .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 och 4.8.1 Sammanfattning I den här artikeln beskrivs säkerhet och kumulativ uppdatering för 3.5, 4.8 och 4.8.1 för Windows 10 version 21H2. Säkerhetsförbätt...
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本方法采用高效液相色谱法测定甘草浸膏中甘草酸的含量。 本方法适用于中成药甘草浸膏。 方法原理 回目录 本品经超声处理后,摇匀,进入高效液相色谱仪进行色谱分离,用紫外吸收检测器,于波长250nm处检测甘草酸的吸收值,计算出其含量。 试剂 回目录 1.甲醇 2.0.2mol/l醋酸铵溶液 3. 冰醋酸 试样制备 回目录 1.称...
CTRP5 Is a Membrane-Associated and Secretory Protein in the RPE and Ciliary Body and the S163R Mutation of CTRP5 Impairs Its Secretiondoi:10.1167/iovs.06-0312Nawajes MandalVidyullatha VasireddyG ReddyRadha Ayyagari
Contribution of Gene Expression to Metabolic Fluxes in Hypermetabolic Livers Induced Through Burn Injury and Polymicrobial Sepsis in Ratssepsisgene expressionburnsratsdoi:10.1097/01253092-200603001-00230Banta SVemula MYokoyama TJayaraman ABerthiaume F
Pig. 3. Concentration-dependent inhibition by phorbol esters of K'-induced "Ca2+ influx into GH3 cells, GH, cells wcrc preincubated for10 min with PDBW (II), 4&PDD (a) or 4a-PDD (0) before exposureto 60 mM Kc-containing medium, 45Ca2' influx was measured asdescribe...
The results show that (1) plagioclases are mainly bytownite and labradorite with subordinate andesine, which are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) and some large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and exhibit marked positive Eu anomalies; and (2) that clinopyroxenes are augites, which...
Ball clay deposits in the SE of the Iberian Range (NE Iberian Peninsula) consist of Albian clays and siltstones with greyish and blackish colors, interbedded with subbituminous coals. The ball clays are nowadays mined for the manufacture of white color ceramics. The mineralogy of these ...