AND函数、OR函数和IN函数都可以理解是WHERE函数的补充,当然也可以与其他筛选函数使用。 WHERE函数是根据限定条件执行查询,但是只支持单个条件; AND函数是两个限定条件都成立的情况,执行查询; OR函数是两个限定条件只要有一个成立,就执行查询; IN函数可以理解为是OR函数的升级版,提供多个值,在此区间的值,都执行查询。
Measure tables are identified by the summation icon. This behavior occurs when Excel connects to a Power BI dataset. All Measures that canonlygo into the Values of the PivotTable Fields will be in located in the summation icon table name. Any of the columns or calculated columns that are us...
本节课讲解POWER BI软件 - 特殊And or 和devide,同学们可以在下方评论区进行留言,老师会根据你们的问题进行回复,作业也可以在评论区进行提交。 那我们开始今天的教程吧。 1.And和or只能连接两个条件,如果要连接多个调节,那么就需要借助到%或者是|符号。 2.%或者是|的录入需要按键盘上的【Shift】键,然后分别选择...
Theresa Palmer Program Manager @ Power BI 9 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2015 tyGraph allows you to easily gain deeper insights into your Yammer data. Power BI allows you to analyze and monitor that data, by offering out-of-box content built from your tyGraph data. This content pack ...
Use Power BI and Microsoft 365 together to drive productivity and get the business intelligence data you need inside the Microsoft 365 tools you use every day.
With Power BI, you can collaborate with your colleagues in many ways. This unit focuses on three of these ways: sharing, commenting, and printing. Tip If you're unable to share with a colleague, it might be because of the type of Power BI license that you or your colleague have. Check...
When to use Power BI When deciding whether to use the basic charts, graphs, and visuals that come with Power Apps out of the box or to go with a more powerful software like Power BI, it really depends on your business solution and requirements. For example, if in your soluti...
Improve and transform the way sustainable energy is managed and generate value across energy production, supply, distribution, and consumption using data-driven insights provided by Microsoft Power BI. Calculate your carbon impact Make a more measurable impact ...
Print from Power BI A third way to collaborate and share is by printing. Occasionally, you might need to hand out printed copies of your Power BI dashboards and reports, such as when you're giving a talk at a conference, submitting regulatory documentation, or presenting somewhere without ...
Learn Power BI maggiebeyer MicrosoftApr 05, 2022 Learning a new technology can be daunting - here are some ways that Microsoft can help! ...