Vue3中Echart挂在全局报错问题 dataSample.js:104 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') 摘要:原因 Proxy 应用到了整个 ECharts 实例上的问题,不太建议把整个 ECharts 实例这样的对象放到 ref 里,容易影响到实例底层的运行。可以使用 shallowRef 替代,这样 Proxy 不会应用到 E...
在工程化的项目中,vue要做的事很单纯,就是通过main.js将App.vue渲染到index.html的指定区域(一般默认为id为app的div)中 其中: App.vue用来编写待渲染的模板结构 index.html中需要预留一个el区域也就是待替换区域 main.js把App.vue渲染到index.html所预留的区域中 组件 新建组件,引入组件,注册组件,使用组件 什...
import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue'; const useForm = Form.useForm; useForm(modelRef, ruleRef, [options]); Parameter Description: /* `modelRef`, `ruleRef` must be responsive data */ interface Props { [key: string]: any; } function useForm( modelRef: Props | Ref<Props>, rule...
test: usevue-tscinstead oftscto also check*.vuefiles (#4458) Jan 10, 2025 unocss.config.ts fix(useRafFn): fixfpsLimitoption,fix#3481,close#3482 Feb 20, 2024 vitest.config.ts test: temp disable flaky firefox browser instance (#4589) ...
importVuefrom"vue"importVuexfrom"vuex"import{createPersistedState,createSharedMutations}from"vuex-electron"Vue.use(Vuex)exportdefaultnewVuex.Store({// ...plugins:[createPersistedState(),createSharedMutations()],// ...}) In case if you enabledcreateSharedMutations()plugin you need to create an inst...
Follow Vue jsx syntax。<Table customRow={(record) => { return { xxx, // props onClick: (event) => {}, // click row onDblclick: (event) => {}, // double click row onContextmenu: (event) => {} // right button click row onMouseenter: (event) => {} // mouse enter row ...
In just 11 hours, you can become a master of Vue! Vue can be used by itself, but it getseven betterwhen used with Vuex and Vue Router as well. Vuex is a state management framework, which is used to fetch, store, and move data around your application. In this course, you'll get ...
$ yarn add ant-design-vue 如果你的网络环境不佳,推荐使用cnpm。 链接 首页 Vue 官方文档 Ant Design Of React 生态 问答 opencollective paypal 支付宝或微信 ETH: 0x30cc48515d8ae9fefa20ab87226ad7e8ab9c3bc2 赞助商 成为赞助商,并在 Github 上的自述文件上获得您的徽标,并链接到您的网站。 [成为赞助...
vue项目搜索历史功能的实现 播放器项目中歌曲搜素页面的 首先需要在state定义搜索历史,在其中保存搜索历史 state.js:// 搜索历史: searchHistory: [] 1. 2. mutations中新增改变搜索历史的方法 mutations.js:SET_SEARCH_HISTORY(state, history) {
Vue.component('anchored-heading', { render: function (createElement) { return createElement( 'h' + this.level, // tag name this.$slots.default // array of children ) }, props: { level: { type: Number, required: true } } })