eight years ago. She had then been going to Italy to bask in the sun and be at one with Nature and the contaditd. Later, he had heard, she had proceeded to Syria where she proposed to bask in yet stronger sun and live at one...
❸He haddarteda very sharp glance at the other as he had spoken. dart : ①【文学】 to look at someone or something very quickly 瞥 ②to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction 猛冲,飞跑 ❹Miss Brent sat in her crowded third-class carriage andtriumphed overits discomfort ...
And Then There Were None《无人生还(1945)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: Chapter1 Inthecornerofafirst-classsmokingcarriage,Mr.JusticeWargrave,latelyretiredfromthebench,puffedatacigarandrananinterestedeyethroughthepoliticalnewsintheTimes. Helaidthepaperdownandglancedoutofthewindow.TheywererunningnowthroughSomerset....
表演者:LIVLØS 专辑类型:专辑 介质:CD 发行时间:2021-10-22 出版者:NAPALM Records 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· And Then There Were None Serpentine Supremacy Mortal Severance Pallbearer...
There wasn't much he drew the line at really. . . . No, there wasn't much he'd draw the fine at. He fancied that he was going to enjoy himself at Indian Island. . . . AND THEN THERE WERE NONE 4 195 In a non-smoking carriage Miss Emily Brent sat very upright as was her ...
【英剧】无人生还 And Then There Were None (2015) 豆瓣评分8.3 为纪念阿加莎125周年诞辰而推出的3集迷你剧,由克雷格·比贝洛斯执导,查尔斯·丹斯 、梅芙·德莫迪 、艾丹·特纳 、伯恩·戈曼 、托比·斯蒂芬斯领衔主演的犯罪#悬疑剧集# 。改编自阿婆阿加莎·克里斯蒂的同名小说《无人生还》,讲述的是八个素不相识的...
【成御】空空如也-And Then There Were None Summary: 他越迟钝时,反倒越敏感。他越感受不到一切时,反倒越能听到自己心跳如擂鼓。而这心跳由成步堂组成。 之前有说到过的5️⃣感丧失梗!通宵短打,吃喝随意 #...
the ship’s second officer, the deputy commander of troops, the penultimate pen pusher. Down another grade, then another, until there was left only His Excellency’s barber, boot wiper and valet, crew members with the lowly status of O.S.—Ordinary Spaceman—the military nonentities in the...
《英文原版 无人生还 AND THEN THERE WERE NONE 阿加莎》,作者:英文原版 无人生还 AND THEN THERE WERE NONE 阿加莎阿加莎·克里斯蒂 著,出版社:Harper;Masterpieceed,ISBN:9780007136834。 Product Details基本信息 ISBN-13书号 978000
❼Badger was rather good atnosingpeople like thatout. nose out 比...略胜一筹 ❽That'sthe lot. the lot: (especially BrE【尤英】 the whole of an amount or number of things, people etc)全部,全数 并非我们常见的a lot of,此处的lot 为名词 单词 sine qua non (拉丁)不可或缺的 deportme...