Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a unique blend of science fiction and anti-war novel. It follows the journey of Billy Pilgrim, an optometrist who becomes unstuck in time, experiencing different moments of his life in random order, including his time as a prisoner of war during the bom...
Also ranks #5 on The Best Memoirs Ever Written Also ranks #5 on The Greatest Non-Fiction Novels Also ranks #7 on 50+ Good Books With Bird in the Title 53 Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut 481 votes Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death is a...
Rance allowed it for a day so that we could all laugh and then made Harv shave the rest of his head. I maintained my untamed flow even as it began to curl at the ends, something I’d forgotten my hair would do if it grew beyond three inches. My sudden follicle embrace and abandonme...
the sky in my hometow the sky is high the sky is not less b the sky was so blue the sky wont snow and the slaughterhouse ma the sleeping car murd the sleeping prince the slow stroke of th the sludgewerks the smallest the youn the snail replied the snakes on my jock the social anim...
Slaughterhouse Sick and TiredEtched 12″ EP Rancid “B sides and C sides” 2×12″ LP new pressing BOOTSnBOOZE #5 Comic w/ Durango 95 “So the Story Goes” b/w “Little Views From Big Windows” 7″ single The Ratchets “Holy Mother of God” Digital Single ...
Buy it:Things Fall Apart Classic 12th Grade Books 1984by George Orwell Brave New Worldby Aldous Huxley The Canterbury Talesby Geoffrey Chaucer Beowulfby Anonymous The Color Purpleby Alice Walker Slaughterhouse Fiveby Kurt Vonnegut The Glass Menagerieby Tennessee Williams ...
Mother Night is a dark comedy written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and published by Fawcett Publications in February of 1962. The novel precedes what is perhaps Vonnegut’s most well-known work,Slaughterhouse Five, by about 7 years and shares some similarities of theme and tone with that work. The...
Children should not see this in any literature book.") • Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut ("Its repetitious obscenity and immorality merely degrade and defile, teaching nothing.") While the classical canon continues to come under attack, contemporary young adult literature receives the most ...
Speaking to theBBC, one former abattoir worker went on to describe the less-than-ideal working conditions in slaughterhouses: “They are filthy, dirty places. There’s [sic] animal feces on the floor, you see and smell the guts, and the walls are covered in blood.” Although it sounds ...
One of my favorite quotes about writing comes from Kurt Vonnegut (and if you haven’t read the classic Slaughterhouse Five, I recommend it highly). In Vonnegut’s 8 Rules for Writing, he notes, “Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.” That is a...