I can't remember the last time I ate a hot dog, but ham is just as easy to come up with and an even more delicious way to pack flavor into a creamy chowder. Our family has a soup night at least once a week. Soup is a great way to use up veggies in the fridge that might ...
While Hubers is known for its turkey, it has other menu items – all worth trying, most notably ham and coleslaw, but you can’t go wrong with anything on the menu from hamburgers to its Reuben or clam chowder or the Shrimp Louie. And the prices are very reasonable. (#7- #8) Afte...
When it comes to seasonings, you can’t go wrong with butter, salt, and fresh black pepper. Not feeling butter? Slather the corn with mayo, dust it withchili powder, and sprinkle it with Cotija cheese to makeelote, or Mexican street corn. Serve with a squeeze of lime juice! Another ...
I can only imagine the great apprehension George felt as he was parted from the woman with whom he had shared the last seven years of his life, yet, knowing he had acted in self-defense, feeling that they would soon be reunited. Then imagine how that grief must have grown as he was ...
Corn & Sausage Chowder adapted from “A Pinch of This, A Dash of That” 2 cups frozen corn kernels 1 pound pork sausage 1 cup onions, chopped 4 cups potatoes, peeled and diced 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups water 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 16 ounce can cream style corn 12 ounce can evaporate...
Our timetable was already jam-packed, but she reasoned that the Chang-an Spicy Tofu (one of their specialities) was pretty small and I could squeeze that in if nothing else. That seemed logical to me, so I convinced B to partake in a post-Minetta nibble with me at their East Village...
“Mussels on the Half-Shell” doesn’t mean they’re raw–you steam them open first in olive oil, then chill. You can’t go wrong. Especially when you find wild mussels from Stonington at Justin’s Seafood in Hallowell for only 99 cents a pound. I got three pounds a few weeks ago....
To the right of that huge entrance door there is a sign – now outdated – giving the opening hours. The summer hours are nothing spectacular. Off the top of my head (I am an idiot and did not take a picture), the museum used to be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or so. Thin...
In a world of increasing specialization and minutiae, this blog is about everything that interests me. And it might mean nothing to you. But viva le difference!
The salads are pre-wrapped and generic, arriving with a packet of salad dressing...nothing special, but the soups are made daily and always interesting. Clam Chowder is a new choice here, primarily because of neighboring Top Choice Fish Market and Eatery, also under the same ownership. It'...