Today, many people use the term "oxymoron" as a synonym for any expression whose components contradict one another, even contradictions that are unintentional or come up in casual conversation (also called a "contradiction in terms"). However, an oxymoron is more specific than a contradiction in...
As such, ‘real-time’ functions as a synonym for the present, for participating in the present, for being part of today’s globalising modernity, and certainly not for belonging to a bygone age. The real-time thus signifies a global digital modernity in which ‘cyber’-citizens, i.e. ...
You won’t mistake your adjectives again when you check your writing’s Grammar Coach™. This writing tool uses machine learning technology uniquely designed to catch grammar and spelling errors. Its Synonym Swap will find the best nouns, adjectives, and more to help say what ...
The words that were left out by the intersection were mostly synonyms (e.g., “catching disease” as a synonym for “contagion”), so we did not discard any important concept. According to Strong, the three psycho-social epidemics are intertwined and, as such, the concepts that define one...
filter out common words from the synonym dictionary. There are altogether 10k chemicals with 0.5 million times of occurrence being detected in our corpus. For the natural language part, we use the vocabulary list exactly the same as Sci-BERT, which is more appropriate than the original BERT ...
bsdd:name 30357 100.0000% bsdd:referenceCode 29226 96.2743% bsdd:relatedIfcEntityName 5095 16.7836% bsdd:relation 5388 17.7488% bsdd:status 30357 100.0000% bsdd:subdivisionOfUse 25 0.0824% bsdd:synonym 28404 93.5666% bsdd:uid 4251 14.0034% bsdd:visualRepresentationUri 9 0.0296%prefix...
then we find the empirical observations which are universally summed up by peer-to-peer identification which categorizes two different colors, the first is the color red as a synonym of knowledge at category “0” judged by the pumping that relies on a temperature versus and with a humidity ...
Random Insertion (RI): Find a random synonym of a random word in the sentence that is not a stop word. Insert that synonym into a random position in the sentence. Do this n times. Random Swap (RS): Randomly choose two words in the sentence and swap their positions. Do this n times...
However, this radical adoption and extensive use of videoconferencing tools also has a dark side, referred to as videoconference fatigue9 (hereafter VCF); note that Zoom Fatigue is used as a synonym for VCF in the literature, despite the fact that this fatigue also applies to the exhaustion ...
(Fig.1a). Following previous research, we use pleasantness as a convenient synonym for consonance that is understood well by nonmusicians (e.g. refs.13,27,48). Other possible synonyms exist (e.g., smoothness, purity, harmoniousness, tension, stability), but in practice human ratings tend ...