Now, go back in time and watch the original "I Said Bitch." Or, just click play below and watch it there. It's a good time, and you'll never be able to stop whispering "I said, biiiitch" to all your best friends (as long as your wife isn't listening). You can watch another...
“I was talking to Jay-Z for a little bit,” Haddish said. “And there was another actress that was there who wasalsotalking to Jay-Z. And she touched Jay-Z’s chest, and Beyoncé came walking up like, ‘Biiiitch!’” “She didn’t say that,” Haddish continued. “But her demeano...
Now, go back in time and watch the original "I Said Bitch." Or, just click play below and watch it there. It's a good time, and you'll never be able to stop whispering "I said, biiiitch" to all your best friends (as long as your wife isn't listening). You can watch another...