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第一步:安装Ant Design 可以参照Ant Design快速上手:https://2x.antdv.com/docs/vue/getting-started-cn/ npm i --save ant-design-vue@next 1. 第二步:在main.js中添加Ant Design 的引用 我这里使用的是一次全部引用,也可以按需引用 import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' ...
打开And Design of Vue就看到了对vue 3.0的提示: 那就尝试一下安装使用~ 第一步:安装Ant Design 可以参照Ant Design快速上手:https://2x.antdv.com/docs/vue/getting-started-cn/ npm i --save ant-design-vue@next 第二步:在main.js中添加Ant Design 的引用 我这里使用的是一次全部引用,也可以按需引用...
Hello everyone, I'mwebfansplz. First the good news to share with you, I joinedVueUseteam you, thank@antfuinvitation, very happy to be a team today to talk with youVueUseof Design and implementation. introduce We all know that Vue3 introduces a composite API, which greatly improves the ab...
Ant Design Vue allows you to customize our design tokens to satisfy UI diversity from business or brand requirements, including primary color, border radius, border color, etc. In version 4.0, we provide a new way to customize themes. Different from the less and CSS variables of the 3.x ve...
Ant Design Vue allows you to customize our design tokens to satisfy UI diversity from business or brand requirements, including primary color, border radius, border color, etc. In version 4.0, we provide a new way to customize themes. Different from the less and CSS variables of the 3.x ve...
摘要:在Vue的Table组件中,实现可伸缩列,如果你使用的是Element-Ui那么这是一个现成的功能,如果你使用的是ant-design-vue,那么是需要集成一个vue-draggable-resizable插件但是官网示例的代码并不能直接使用,以下是封装的a-table组件 先引入vue-drag阅读全文 ...
安装Kitchen Sketch 插件 💎,两步就可以自动生成 Ant Design 表格组件。 何时使用 # 当有大量结构化的数据需要展现时; 当需要对数据进行排序、搜索、分页、自定义操作等复杂行为时。 如何使用 # 指定表格的数据源 dataSource 为一个数组。 <template> </template> export default { setup() { return...
When the current navigation item is collapsed, the style of the current navigation item is applied to its parent level; The left side navigation bar has support for both the accordion and expanding styles; you can choose the one that fits your case the best. ...
Ant Design Vue allows you to customize our design tokens to satisfy UI diversity from business or brand requirements, including primary color, border radius, border color, etc. In version 4.0, we provide a new way to customize themes. Different from the less and CSS variables of the 3.x ve...