生命充满了希望 只因祂活着 2.当我走完 人生的路程 痛苦面对 最后征战 救主为我 战胜了死亡 在荣光中我见就主祂是活着
King Of Kings I Surrender All (All I Am) See A Victory I Need Thee (Need You Now) Never Lost My Jesus, I Love Thee (Love Song) Glorious Day Just As I Am (You Love Me) Because He Lives (Amen) To God Be The Glory (All For You)...
King Of Kings I Surrender All (All I Am) See A Victory I Need Thee (Need You Now) Never Lost My Jesus, I Love Thee (Love Song) Glorious Day Just As I Am (You Love Me) Because He Lives (Amen) To God Be The Glory (All For You)...
Harry Potter: "He's not serious?" Percy Weasley: "Must be. It's odd, because he usually gives us a reason why we're not allowed to go somewhere — the forest's full of dangerous beasts, everyone knows that. I do think he might have told us prefects, at least." — Albus Dumbled...
What follows is solely my interpretations of lyrics and melodies…your mileage may vary. Gentle Man (Energy Mix)—This track is pure, synth-driven passion. This particular mix is aptly named. The singer earnestly tries to make his (hopefully) significant other believe that because he’s a “...
战战兢兢的). I gave up beer for Lent and this whisky iskillingme. I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know." As we were laughing she cleared her throat and began:" We do not stop playing b...
He was never cold or cruel. Years of coming in and out if my life hadn’t made me hate him, because when he was there, he was perfect. He was the perfect man for me. Until he was gone. His fingers press something soft against my temple. I squeeze my eyes closed as the pain re...
The March 9 terror changed the way we live in this city well before that horror-filled September day came along. Because of the Hanafi takeover, armed guards and metal detectors were positioned where they had never stood before. Closed-circuit television cameras, identification badges and concret...
I wanted to help you break the lies in your mental mind that’s been tormenting you for long enough. Those thoughts that tell you are not good enough, smart enough . They need to go as they are tearing you down. Just because they are loud and strong in your mind does not mean they...
Lyrically, the song explores themes of love, mistrust, and self-assurance. The protagonist, through John Phillips’ direct and unfiltered lyrics, makes it clear that he won’t tolerate dishonesty or games. Lines like “Baby are you holding, holding anything but me? / Because I’m a real st...