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Only differentially expressed genes (padj < 0.05 from paired DESeq2) are included (n = 446, 430, and 547 for group ‘+Dox unique’, ‘Common’, and ‘−Dox unique’, respectively). All differentially expressed genes in iPax7 cells (n = 2831) are used as a control. ...
Implements of MSet, MGet, GetRange and Append (#547) Dec 16, 2023 tx_list.go fix: cant insert multiple values at list (#549) Dec 16, 2023 tx_list_test.go fix: cant insert multiple values at list (#549) Dec 16, 2023 tx_set.go ...
The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! Fast:it's fast –really reallyfast! 🚀 Customizable:configure every aspect of your prompt. Universal:works on any shell, on any operating system. Intelligent:shows relevant information at a glance. ...
e, Violin plot of Cxcl16 expression in immune cell clusters (n = 4,105 cells for M0 and 547 cells for DAM) in 5xFAD mice. f, GSEA enrichment plots showing upregulation of chemokine-associated signatures in DAM compared to M0. g, Bubble plot showing stronger predicted CXCL16–CXCR6...
航空重力测量(airborne gravity survey)按采集的参量类型进行分类,可分为标量总场、梯度和矢量测量。航空重力测量技术研究最早开始于20世纪50年代(Thompson, 1959;Nettleton et al., 1960)。1958年,美国进行了第一次航空重力测量试验。直到20世纪90年代,随着全球差分卫星导航系统、惯性导航系统及高灵敏度、高稳定度重力...
摘要: Reindustrialization and technology Roy Rothwell, Walter Zegveld Longman , M.E. Sharpe, 1985 : Longman : Sharpe : pbk出版时间: 1985 ISBN: 0-87332-331-9 0-87332-330-0 被引量: 547 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 ResearchGate abe...
Bioinformatics 20: 547–556. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Lucas T, Pratscher B, Fink D, Wolschek M, Samorapoompichit P, et al. 2005. The human orthologue of a novel apoptosis response gene induced during rat myelomonocytic stem cell apoptosis maps to 20q13.12. Stem Cells and Dev ...
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Nature 469, 543–547 (2011). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Cotter, P. D., Hill, C. & Ross, R. P. Bacteriocins: developing innate immunity for food. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 3, 777–788 (2005). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Corr, S. C. et al. Bacteriocin production as ...