Now you know all about Greece, why not discover other cool countries around the world? Discover awesomefacts about Brazil, find out aboutIndiaor check outlife in the USA! Credits: Map of Greece: National Geographic Maps. Musicians and dancers in Greece: Maro Kouri. Mount Olympus, Greece: Hele...
0007E8E1 Raise zombie resurrection zombie (resurrection of a corpse, 60 seconds) 000211EC Bound battleaxe= the axe of the constraint (the master of magic recommends that the summoner be eliminated, and be careful to expel his own BB, which is suitable for those who specialize in combat 00020...
(superremotecallstorm giants+shieldattack,chainlightning,monstermeleewill automaticallyrunawayhitmonster,SOtostandbesidehimnot afraid) 0006F952expeldeadra=expelleddemons.(Idon'tknowwhatgood banishingspellsare 0007E8DFDeadthrall=enslavethedead(permanentlyresurrect ahuman,butstillzombie,notdialoguewhat,oh,...