A very beautiful old iranian ring ( early 20th century ) in silver ornated with a cornelian bead with koranic enamelled writings. The body of the ring is highly refined in typical persian finishion ... Price : 450,00 € KORANIC NECKLACE Hanging on a "snake chain" from India, a bea...
It’s worth mentioning that any event that led to the destruction of Persepolis is ultimately less important than the invaluable artifacts and writings that were lost in the aftermath. What’s crucial is that these artifacts and manuscripts could have shed light on one of the most significant pe...
A rare Koranic ring made of silver and jade intaglio (Koranic verse) ... Magnificent work of the writings and very beautiful old jade ... The body of the ring is also sophisticated ! This ring dates from the first half of the 20th century, jade being even older ... The jade tray ...
The writings of Archilochus consisted of elegies, hymns-- one of which used to be sung by the victors in the Olympic games-- and of poems in the iambic and trochaic measures. Greek rhetors credited him with the invention of iambic poetry and its application to satire. The only previous me...
In his introduction to John Dee’s Five Books of Mystery, Joseph S, Person writes:“The secret writings of John Dee, one of the leading scientists and occultists in Elizabethan England, record in minute detail his researches into the occult. They were discovered in a hidden compartment of ...
are said in the opening line to have been spoken by the god Nebertcher, i.e. the "Lord to the uttermost limit," or God Himself. The Egyptian Christians, or Copts, in their religious writings use this name as an equivalent of God Almighty, the Lord of All, the God of the Universe...
1. Beginning of Mycenaean Period (1600 BC–1100 BC) The Mycenaean civilization marks the declining phase of the Bronze Age in ancient Greece. It showcases the beginnings of an advanced culture in Greece, exemplified by its architecture, writings,art, and public organization. ...
of Thermopylae, which has long been the topic of cultural inspiration, as it is perhaps the most famous military last stand of all time. His “against all odds” story is passed to us from the writings of the Greek Herodotus. He relates the story of 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians ...
Hymns, in fragments of epic poems of the Epic Cycle, in lyric poems, in the works of the tragedians and comedians of the fifth century BC, in writings of scholars and poets of the Hellenistic Age, and in texts from the time of the Roman Empire by writers such as Plutarch and ...
drawbacks, and positives of the Athenian military leader, philosopher, and historian--Xenophon (ca. 430-354 BC)--who wasone of Sokrates' more famous pupils; and the post-Peloponnesian war Panhellenic campaign into the heart of the Persian Empire that he made famous through his writings (theAn...