Japanese folklore features a mermaid called Ningyo, and Polynesian mythology includes a half-human and half-porpoise creator god called Vatea. In European folklore, mermaids were associated with sirens, beautiful creatures whose singing lures sailors to their doom. Mermaids were commonly pictured as ...
The Encyclopedia MythicaThis is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, magic, and more. It contains over 4300 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world. Classical Myth: The Ancient SourcesThis site is designed to draw togethe...
The Scots have stories about silkies—imaginary sea creatures resembling seals that take on human form, marry men and women, and then return to the sea. In fact, the theme of animal wives or husbands comes up over and over again in mythology. Native Americans tell of girls marrying bears ...
Vegetable gods, so called, have been scoffed at by writers on mythology. The scoff is baseless, for the first people were turned, or turned themselves, into trees and various plants as frequently as into beasts and other creatures. Maize or Indian corn is a transformed god who gave himself ...
Google Share on Facebook Atlantis (redirected fromAncient Atlantis) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Ancient Atlantis:Atlantis At·lan·tis (ăt-lăn′tĭs) n.Mythology A legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, said by Plato to have sunk beneath the sea during an ...
In Arabic astronomy the twins were seen as peacocks. In Egyptian astrology they were twin goats, or else the two gods, Horus the Elder and Horus the Younger, while classical Greek mythology identified them as the twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, aka The Gemini, from the Latin word for twi...
The two appear in Homer's Odyssey, and Charybdis is the personification of the sea vortex. She is depicted as a sea deity who dwells in a strait under a rock within a short distance from Scylla's rocky home. InGreek mythology, both were considered navigational hazards c...
Dragons in Ancient Chinese Mythology In ancient China, the dragon was a highly significant creature that became a symbol of the Emperor, and his throne was sometimes called the Dragon Throne. Ancient Chinese believed dragons were in control of the weather and water. These creatures were said to...
In ancient Chinese mythology, the god of fire, the god of the south, the god of Nanyue, the god of the South Sea, the god of summer, and the god of kitchen, one of the gods of the five elements. In historical documents, there are many and complicated records about Zhu Rong. In ...
In truth, Venus was closely aligned with Aphrodite. She even acquired the latter’s mythology such that the two became one over time. However, before the Greek influence of Aphrodite, Venus was originally an Italic goddess of fertility, vegetable gardens, fruit, and flowers. This is not unlike...