It initially stretched 132 miles (212 km) from Rome to the city of Capua. By 244 BC, it had been extended 230 miles (370 km) to the port of Brundisium (Brindisi) in Italy's heel, allowing greater access to Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. The road was renowned for its ...
1. The first of the Punic Wars (264-241 BC)was mainly over the possession of Sicily and led to the birth of Rome as a great naval power. With the support of Hiero II, the tyrant of Syracuse, the Romans conquered Agrigento, and its newly created fleet, under the command of the consu...
1)Rome was founded in 753BC by its first king, Romulus. It grew into a rich and powerful city during the next few hundred years. 2)By AD 117 the Roman Empire included the whole of Italy, all the lands around the Mediterranean and much of Europe, including England, Wales and parts of...
5. Rome Introduces the Gold Coin, the Aureus, in 50 BC Rome introduced its first gold coin in 50 BC called the “aureus” which was valued at 25 silver denarii. The aureus was used in trading from the first century BC to the fourth century AD until it was replaced by the “solidus....
“great,” and he was given this title by the people because he was an inspirational leader. He was a commander in Sulla’s civil war in 83 BC, defeating Gaius Marius for good and freeing Rome. His part in this victory earned him the reputation of a great general, but also the ...
Still, the greatest poets and thinkers of ancient Rome continued to emulate her or compare other writers to her, and it is through these comparisons and descriptions that we have received much of her extant poetry. Modern legends, with origins that are difficult to trace, have made Sappho's ...
Ⅰ. 1. fighting 2. bread / circuses 3 . temples / leisure centers 4. Britain / east / Africa Ⅱ. The die is cast. All roads lead to Rome.参考译文 古罗马人 古罗马人最为出名的可能要算斗士。搏斗理所当然地成为他们深爱的运动项目之一。 据传说记载, 罗马城是由战神马耳斯的...
Ancient-RomePPT课件 罗马共和国RomanRepublic(510B.C.—27B.C.)公元前510年,罗马奴隶制共和国建立 公元前3世纪,罗马统一了意大利半岛 公元前2世纪末,罗马称霸地中海 - 1 公元前510年罗马奴隶制共和国建立 - 2 古罗马城遗迹 罗马的征服和扩张——统一意大利 公元前3世纪罗马统一了意大利半岛 布匿战争PunicWars...
Numidia began as a Berber Kingdom in 202 BC when Massinissa aligned himself with Rome in its war against Carthage. When Rome won, Massinissa was given Numidia as his reward. In 112 BC, the ruler Jugurtha took on Rome and lost. The Romans executed him in 104 BC. The end came in 46...
The dead were to be respected, remembered and honoured in ancient Rome, and there were several festivals at which this was done: Feralia, Parentalia, and Lemuria. The belief was that every dead person, no matter the age or gender, had its own spirit, and that spirit was known as amanes...