art, law, literature, and much else. However rich Rome was, its economy was fairly simple. Rome was a largely agrarian, slave-based economy.Slaverywas fundamental to the Roman economy became umportant to the Roman economy beginning as early as thePunic Wars(264-146 BC)...
1. The first of the Punic Wars (264-241 BC)was mainly over the possession of Sicily and led to the birth of Rome as a great naval power. With the support of Hiero II, the tyrant of Syracuse, the Romans conquered Agrigento, and its newly created fleet, under the command of the consu...
It initially stretched 132 miles (212 km) from Rome to the city of Capua. By 244 BC, it had been extended 230 miles (370 km) to the port of Brundisium (Brindisi) in Italy's heel, allowing greater access to Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. The road was renowned for its ...
5. Rome Introduces the Gold Coin, the Aureus, in 50 BC Rome introduced its first gold coin in 50 BC called the “aureus” which was valued at 25 silver denarii. The aureus was used in trading from the first century BC to the fourth century AD until it was replaced by the “solidus....
The dead were to be respected, remembered and honoured in ancient Rome, and there were several festivals at which this was done: Feralia, Parentalia, and Lemuria. The belief was that every dead person, no matter the age or gender, had its own spirit, and that spirit was known as amanes...
If you really want to experience all that you can of the remnants of Ancient Rome the best way to do so is on foot. There is nothing like a walking tour to truly follow the footsteps of those Ancient Romans and see what remains of the past amid all the modern construction of more rec...
45 BCE: Julius Caesar Become The First Dictator Of Rome(See Main Article: The Romans – Roman Government)From the time of Julius Caesar, 48 BC, Rome and the Roman Empire was ruled by an Emperor. The Emperor was wise if he listened to the advice of the Senate but some chose to be ...
Peter went to Rome, where later Catholic leaders attributed the founding of the Catholic Church to him and recognized him as the Church's first Pope, while other early apostles spread the word elsewhere. Arguably the most important of all the early missionaries, though, was Paul of Tarsus. Hi...
Ⅰ. 1. fighting 2. bread / circuses 3 . temples / leisure centers 4. Britain / east / Africa Ⅱ. The die is cast. All roads lead to Rome.参考译文 古罗马人 古罗马人最为出名的可能要算斗士。搏斗理所当然地成为他们深爱的运动项目之一。 据传说记载, 罗马城是由战神马耳斯的...
Still, the greatest poets and thinkers of ancient Rome continued to emulate her or compare other writers to her, and it is through these comparisons and descriptions that we have received much of her extant poetry. Modern legends, with origins that are difficult to trace, have made Sappho's ...