WhatdoyouknowabouttheOlympic Games(e.g.thehistoryoftheOlympics)? 古希腊人于公元前776年规定每4年在奥林 匹亚举办一次运动会。举行期间,全希腊选 手及附近的百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南 部风景秀丽的小镇。公元前776年在这里举行 第1届奥运会时,多利亚人克洛斯在192.27米 ...
The Olympic Games have (1) along history.The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BCE and died out around the year 393.It was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,(2) that/whobrought the Olympics back to life. Many(3) extremely(extreme) talented athletes have devoted(4) themselves(the...
The games continued when the Romans invaded and conquered Greece but when the Emperor Theodosius came to power he banned all non-Christian events including the Olympic Games. Cite This Article "The Olympics – Ancient Olympics" History on the Net © 2000-2025, Salem Media. February 23, 2025 ...
The Olympic Games have a long history. The ancient Olympics were held every four years in honor of the god Zeus. The first ancient Olympics took place in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. There were only a few events like running and wrestling. Since 1944, the Summer and Winter Olympics have ...
UNIT 5 WHEN DID THE ANCIENT OLYMPIC GAMES BEGIN? 古代奥运会是什么时候开始的? Lesson 15 Key Words 1.ancient古代的 5.thousand千;hundred百 3. begin开始——began 8.history历史 2. Olympic Games [əˈlɪmpɪk ɡeɪm]奥运会 4.BC公元前;AD公元后 7. think认为;思考——thought 6.PE(...
I.课文语法填空The Olympic Games have 1 long history. The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BCE and died out around the year393. It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin,2 brought the Olympics back to life.Many 3 ( extreme ) talented athletes have devoted 4 ( they ) to making...
1 AncientOlympicGames ThehistoryoftheAncientOlympicGamescanbetracedbackover3,000yearsto ancientGreece.Whilecelebratingphysicalexcellence,theyweremainlyheldfor religiouspurposes.In884BC,thekingofElisreachedatreatywiththekingsof severalothercitystatestoholdregularathleticcontestsandtofulfillthe"sacred truce".Thatmeant...
五、根据中文意思,补全句子。1. 古代奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的?___ did the ancient Olympic Games ___?2. 我在语文课上学的。I___ about them in the ___ class.3. 那不公平。That was ___.4. 只有儿童能够参加。Only ___ could take ___.5. 我认为它们只有115年的历史。I ___ they...
. At this Olympic Games, a naked runner, Coroebus, won the sole event at the Olympics, the state—a run of approximately 192 metres (210 yards). This made Coroebus the very first Olympic champion in history. The ancient Olympic Games grew and continued to be held every four years for ...
Ancient Olympic Games古代奥林匹克运动会 Ancient Greek古希腊 Ancient Society古代社会 Ancient Egypt古埃及 ancient的例句 1、Confucius lived in ancient China.孔夫子生活在古代中国。2、Lucy wants to learn more about ancient history.路西想要学更多关于古代历史的知识。3、The method was widely ...