Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History 10 (2023)doi:10.1515/olzg-2024-0043Reettakaisa Sofia SaloGöttingen DeutschlandDe GruyterOrientalistische Literaturzeitung
Organized by the periods, kingdoms, and empires generally used in Near Eastern political history, this text interlaces social and cultural history with a political narrative. An emphasis on historical debates and areas of uncertainty helps students understand how evidence is used to create interpretatio...
Objective The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History seeks to encourage and stimulate the study of the history of the ancient Near East, which is broadly defined to include areas from Iran to the western Anatolian coast and the Black Sea to Southern Ara
首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 测测专业申请成功率 Ancient Near Eastern Studies东部近代史研究 学位类型:Bachelor Degree专业方向:社会科学与管理所属学校:University of Michigan - Ann Arbor(密歇根大学安娜堡分校)查看该专业官方网址>>
Archaeology's contributions to Ancient Near Eastern history include supplying the raw textual data (archives and monumental inscriptions), identifying ancient sites on the ground, and proving chronological outlines, all first steps leading to the reconstruction of historical narratives. This chapter touches...
ancient Near East historyarchives and documentspolitical historyWritings from the cultures of biblical times supplement the Old Testament in documenting the history of the ancient Near East.doi:10.2307/40001073PurvisJames DJournal of Near Eastern Studies...
Ancient Near Eastern Art Lessons Hattusa Ruins: Lion Gate, Sphinx & Reconstruction Ancient Persian Art and Architecture: History & StyleLesson Transcript Instructors Jennifer Lorenzetti View bio Amy Troolin View bio Discover different art forms from civilizations in the ancient Near East. Learn ...
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网络古代近东学 网络释义 1. 古代近东学 近几十年的古代近东学(Ancient Near Eastern Study)研究显示,在古代近东文化里,不论是在埃及、美所不达米亚、叙利亚…|基于12个网页